Chapter 3

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(Warning- description of death,  gore, and pain)   PLEASE PAY ATTENTION TO THE WARNINGS IM NOT JOKING!!!!!!!

I was taken into testing, a little after finding out about Alice. A masked guard sat me down in a pale yellow chair and told me to wait. My mind wouldn't stop bringing up Eiysa's terrified face as she was dragged down that dreaded hallway. A single tear dropped down my cheek. I quickly wiped it away as the door to the small room opened, revealing a different masked person. I flinched as they grabbed my left wing harshly. Using a pair of pliers to remove five or six scales. I bit my cheek. Normally they would restrain my arms and legs, but since I behaved I was allowed to sit freely. I'm not saying this was painless. I counted each scale that was harvested. Six, seven, eight..... Twenty four, twenty five.

My mouth filled up with an iron taste. Not surprised to find out I bit through my cheek again. I glanced at the floor of the room. Crimson liquid covered the floor.

"Big order..." the guard said, noticing my restless state. I didn't respond, I just stared at the blood. Fifty two, fifty three... The pain doesn't fade yet I hold my tongue. Eventually all the harvested scales were put into a bag and my wings were bandaged up. Sighing I sat up and began to leave the room.

"Wait." I turned my head around to see the guard holding a fresh wing binder. My blood froze. That guard just harvested one hundred scales from my wings and expected me to go back into that thing willingly. Yeah in your dreams idiot. I ran. I've never run away before. I didn't know what came over me. Yet here I was, my bare feet making a quiet slap on the tile floor as I ran through the halls. Voices screamed at me to stop. Hands trying to grab anything, my hair, wings. Horns, shirt, anything to try and stop me. I continued to run through the halls, my mind spiraling. Left, right, left again, I was making reckless decisions in split seconds. I couldn't fly because my wings were injured. Tears flew down my cheeks as the air flowing past me aggravated my fresh wounds.

Turning a new corner I found myself in an area I've never seen before. The walls had water damage and pipes were exposed everywhere the more I continued the darker the halls got. Soon the white tiles became dirt and the high ceilings started to drip water. The doors were soon made of iron bars and the smell of rot became harder to bear. My ears weren't hearing voices anymore so I turned my head around and saw no one behind me. The breath I had been holding slowly disappeared and my frantic steps became slower.

"Man, all this over a freaking wing binder.. You're such an idiot." I whispered to myself. The floor was cold. Blood dripped from my wings as I continued down the hallway. The smell was overwhelming. Inside the cells? I guess you could call them cells. Inside them were corpses of people I didn't recognize. Organs were all over each cell, some even hung from the ceiling. Bones were sticking out of each body. Blood covered the bars. I covered my nose and started to walk faster. The farther I got down the hallway the worse each cell got. More blood, more organs, more bones. Near the end of the hallway you couldn't even tell that the corpses belonged to humans.

My breathing was rapid and warm tears flew down my face. I was running now, wishing I had just accepted the binder and never came down here. My feet made harsh noises on the dirt, dust flying up as I ran. The hallway continued to get darker. Cells were filling up with more corpses. I knew I was full on sobbing now. Trying to find the exit to this horrible place. That's when I saw it. My entire body froze. My blood turned to complete Ice. The tears on my face paused. In the cell directly to my right was a tuft of dull orange hair. Empty green eyes stared up at me. I couldn't breathe.

"no, no, No No NO NO NO." My voice rang throughout the hallways. I stared at Eiysa's lifeless body, her blood scattered all over the cell. I grabbed the bars screaming. I heard the voices and footsteps coming towards me but I didn't care. Well I cared when I was knocked unconscious.

I woke up back in the dorms. The wing binder painfully makes myself aware. Sherri was sitting next to me talking to Nick. I blinked and slowly sat up. Nick handed me a half empty water bottle. I took a sip then handed it back.

"What happened to you, when the guards brought you back covered in blood and tears we thought they tried to kill you, 'cia. Nick's voice was refreshing to hear. After my mini "field trip" I just wanted something familiar. I looked around noticing Mika was probably at testing. So I explained what I saw in minor detail. Not wanting to focus on Eiysa's corpse for too long. I finished my story and looked down. Not wanting to see my friends' reactions. What I wasn't expecting was three giant hugs from them. When I was released I looked at Sherri, Nick ,and Iago. All three of them were holding back their tears.

"It's ok.. Just this once." Sherri choked out a sob and enveloped me in yet another hug. I held her. And failed at keeping my composer. We stayed like that for a long time. Mika did eventually come back and Nick had to explain that We had seen something scary. We ended all sleeping close to each other that night. But that's when Iago spoke up and said something that would change everything.

"Lets escape."

================================================================================Sorry its short but I wanted to post something, ill keep trying to make the chapters longer. write your ideas in the comments! 

Also sorry for the heart break- but I like making yall suffer >:)

981 words. 

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