Chapter 6

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Pov - Ozz

Useless. I've never felt so useless before. Someone spoke to me today, her voice was small and broken, but it was full of kindness. I never knew this horrible place had more kids like me inside it. But when I saw her hit the floor, her screams filled my ear. I couldn't help but feel utterly useless. They dragged her out by her hair, I grabbed her, hoping I could do anything, but she let go, leaving something in my hand. The small bag was full of Sakura-colored powder. I opened it and smelled the contents. Jahna. A sinking feeling filled my gut. The red-haired girl thought I wasn't being fed. Is she not fed? Fear, sadness, and anger filled my head.

"Oi, Vince!" I raised my voice at the guard watching me, "Where are they taking her?"

"That's none of your concern." Vince's voice was cold. I watched as he turned up the thermostat again.

"Tell me, and I won't break the cage for the 6th time this week." I snapped at him, breaking one of the cage's top bars and two of my fingers in the process.

"Room 197"

My heart sank. Zoro used that room as a threat so I would obey. It was a very effective threat. I didn't want to think about the girl going to that room. Maybe it would be better If I forgot she was even here in the first place. She had broken the Thermostat, So the guards didn't know where to keep me. They had suggested just keeping me here, but now that I was stronger there was no way I would let them keep me in this tiny dog kennel.

Pov Lucia

Numb. The only emotion besides fear and pain I have felt for a while. I didn't know where they were taking me, but I had to be carried. It hurt to walk. Every time I tried, my legs crumpled beneath me. I've lost track of how much time has passed since I arrived in room 197. All I know is that today we were going somewhere else. The guard carrying me eventually dropped me on the concrete and opened a door and kicked me inside.

" 'CIA!!" Sherri's voice filled my ears first. She ran to me and knelt. My wings were exposed since they felt the binder was no longer needed. They were wilted, but I could still wrap them around myself.

"What happened to you?! We haven't seen you in forever!" Sherri was helping me sit up. I winced and mumbled that I didn't want to talk about it.

How long was I even gone? Most of what happened I closed off somewhere in my brain. I remember Vince's voice, accompanied by someone else's. The other person had a Russian accent, like Nick. My shoulders, and knees had been dislocated and popped back into place multiple times. But it was because they were being moved without my control. Almost like a puppet on strings. My memories were fuzzy around the whole thing. I hated it.

My friends were worried, but I was fine. I wasn't injured too harshly, mainly just a dull throb in my joints. Their voices sounded muffled, but I didn't care. I just needed sleep, lots and lots of sleep.

Morning came way too fast. I awoke to three distraught faces staring at me. Iago handed me a bottle of water which I took gratefully. I tried to sit up and you could hear my bones crack and pop in protest. I winced slightly, and Sherri helped me up.

"I would tell you guys what happened... but the truth is I'm not completely sure. The memories are all fuzzy and dazed... but I'm ok I promise. I'm still alive so that's a plus" I cracked a small smile, trying to lighten the depressing mood.

"That's understandable. The brain tends to block out unwanted memories from time to time." Nick's voice wasn't cheerful as it used to be. It was monotone, like he wasn't interested in the conversation.

"How long was I gone?" I fidgeted with a loose scale on my wing.

"3 weeks and two days" Iago sat on the mattress and held his head in his hands. "We thought you were dead."

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