-Chapter 18-

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Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? Why? There was blood on my clothes. Not mine. It belonged to Anubis. Why did I let that girl inside? I knew I shouldn't have. I just thought that maybe. Just maybe... I looked up at the door in front of me. I was at the house next door. My wings puffed, and my claws came out due to instinct. This was a bad idea. But Ozz had told me to go. I can still trust him. Right?

I pounded on the door. Whoever was inside was probably asleep. It was late in the night. I knocked harder. Waiting for a response. Still nothing. I took a deep breath and shoved the wooden door with my shoulder, breaking the lock. I burst into the house, plush carpet meeting my bare feet. My wing was dripping blood once again. I must've torn it open when I busted the door down. I crept around, peering into rooms, until I found a woman.

She was holding a kitchen knife, standing in the middle of her kitchen. We locked eyes, and she dropped said blade.

"Where is he?" The woman exclaimed, running past me to a closet and pulling out a bag with a red cross on it. She didn't sound scared. Oddly, she just sounded annoyed.

I raised an eyebrow, confused, but pointed towards the direction of the house. The woman ran past. She was fast, leaving me in the dust. I should have followed. Instead, I began going through her cabinets. I didn't find much that piqued my interest, but I did grab a box that said 'Lemon tea bags.' I snooped around some more and found an unbelievably soft blanket on the couch. I took it and then decided to walk back to the house.

When I opened the front door, Anubis was sitting on the couch, and Ozz was wiping the blood off the floor. Honey was still restrained by my hand warmers; she could more than likely escape, but she wasn't struggling. I set the stuff I took down and walked over to Anubis. The strange woman was nowhere to be seen. Anubis's wound was almost completely gone.

"You alright kid? You look pale..." Anubis spoke to me. I looked up at him slowly.

"How..." I poked the dark purple bruise that was once a bullet wound. Anubis flinched and laughed a little.

"Marley, the woman next door, has a healing super power thingy- I think you called it a malfunction. She can use her life force to heal injuries, so she's asleep in the guest room for now."

In response, I let out a slight hum, walking over to Ozz's sister and nudging her with my foot.

"You gonna talk?" I forced my voice to come out cleaner than it has been.

Ozz was done cleaning now and walked over and helped Honey sit up. The young girl simply glared at me. She got out of the poorly made restraint and crossed her arms.

"I only shot him because I thought he was a threat.." she stated, surprisingly calm.

"A threat?! If anything, you're the threat." My tone was cold and harsh. I frankly didn't care what she thought. Anubis had been shot, and that was that. You don't need to use such drastic measures so quickly.

Honey sighed, "look I know you're on a high horse because you've been treated like a special little princess, but it's time to enjoy the real world. Ozz and I have been put through an absolute hell. You'll never understand that. So don't get on me for defending myself against a possible threat."

Ozz glared at Honey, not speaking, but just shaking his head. He walked over to her and grabbed her by the horn, pulling her over to me.

"Faith. Take one good long look at 'Cia's condition. Does she look like she's had it easy? You found one notebook and suddenly you think she hasn't been hurt. Compared to Lucia, you went through absolutely nothing! You were only at the facility for 11 months. 'Cia was there for 7. Whole. Years. Do not compare our problems ever again. I raised you better than that."

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 07, 2023 ⏰

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