-Chapter 11-

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*Warning this chapter contains significant violence and intense scenes*

"Already?!" Sherri's frightened voice rang through the room.

"Yes. Now be quiet. We can't have the guard coming here early." I signaled for Ozz and Iago to start getting more supplies. I picked Mika up and began to fasten a makeshift harness so she would sit on my back between my wings. I trusted that she could run fast, but it was over if she tripped and fell. Once all the supplies were packed up, Nick summoned a tree branch to break down the door. As soon as the door hit the ground, guards started running toward us.

"Ozz! Follow my lead!" I yelled and grabbed Sherri, extending my wings and beginning to fly. Ozz nodded and threw Nick on his back, carrying Iago in his arms. We flew past the guards going through winding hallways.

"Iago! which way do we go? You studied the blueprints," Sherri called over.

"Make three rights, two lefts, then another right, that should lead you to Zoro's office." Iago's voice was somber.

Ozz grunted in response and made the first turn. From my back, Mika threw kitchen knives at the guard tailing us. She missed most of them, but it's the thought that counts. I made the second turn and slammed into a wall of armed guards. I wrapped my wings around Mika and skidded across the floor. A barrel of a gun was shoved into my head. I moved my eyes over to Ozz. Sherri was wrapped in his wings, hidden from our attackers. She must have slid over when I fell. Iago had a gun to his head as well. We all froze.

"Move an inch, and I'll blow your head off!" The Guard was holding Iago.

I sensed a slight movement to my right. Nick curled his fist.

"Nick, what do you think you're doing? '' Vines overcame the hallway, swarming the guards. The clang of guns hitting the floor rang through my ears. I watched in horror as the once white-tiled hallway turned a greenish-brown as bloodied vines covered it. The guards were all dead, but the vines were not stopping. They continued to grow. Nick's eyes were pure white. His pupils were gone. Mika was still inside my wings; I felt her shake. She was terrified.

"NICKOLOSI!!" Sherri shrieked in terror. "STOP, PLEASE. THEY'RE DEAD, PLEASE!"

The vines continue to grow, getting more challenging to dodge. The flower on top of Nick's head started to grow larger.

"IAGO, GET OVER HERE!" I yelled, opening my wings and revealing Mika's small tear-covered form. Iago nodded and ran over, climbing onto my back. I closed my wings, curling myself into a ball. Ozz shut his wings as well, incasing Sherri. Vines slowly began to cover our bodies. The thorns left gashes all over my exposed skin. They were ripping my tank top and sweats. The vines continued to get tighter, and the small peak of light disappeared. Thorns dug into my wings.

"NICKOLOSI, YOU'RE GOING TO KILL US!" Ozz yelled out. The noise was muffled. The vines were so thick the oxygen I was getting began to thin.

"I-Iago, can you try and lift the vines?" I asked. I felt myself getting weaker. The vines were getting harder to resist.

"Too heavy," Iago's voice was weak as well.

Mika began to wail louder, "NICK, PLEASE, I DON'T WANNA DIE!" she wailed out. The vines disappeared into thin air almost immediately. I gasped for air, clutching my chest, I released my wings, and Iago tumbled out, doing the same. Sherri was let out. She was crying. Ozz walked over to me and helped me up. My legs were shaking. Nick was awake. His eyes were back to normal. He had his knees up to his chest. Tears were softly streaming down his dust-covered cheeks.

I grabbed onto Ozz's arm, steadying myself.

"Nick, come on, let's go. Get up." I spoke as smoothly as I could, stifling a couple of coughs.

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