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Cody: Hi, my name is Cody Yoshi but my maiden name is Braveson but that changed when the foot attacked my  home and they took my parents away from me and I ran away from my home to safe my friends and parents if they where still alive then I find them but haven't so I was on the streets for a few months avoiding the gangs when I remembered it's was my birthday and I cried my pain and sorrow of not having a family when someone starting talking to me.

Third person view.

A young boy at the age of 6 with brown hair and black eyes and wearing tattered cloths sits inside a cardboard box while rain falls around him and he's currently holding a photo of him in better clothes and little more weight and a man with blonde hair and green eyes and a women with black hair and black eyes smile and look into the camera as is taken which then the boy starts crying.

Cody:*Why! Why! Why! Did those bad men take you?! We never seen them before! So why take you?! I miss you guys so much are you still alive or in heaven or something? I just wish to have a family.*

Cody didn't know it yet but his wish has just been granted. Then Cody heard footsteps and scooted back further into the box when he heard a man's voice.

???: Hello? Is someone there? I heard crying and came to investigate.

Cody:(holding his fear back as best he could) I-I-I-I-it w-w-w-was me sir.

Then the man face comes into Cody's view and he see's a 35 year old Japanese man with black with a few grey hairs and brown eyes and wearing a green shirt and jeans and holding a umbrella looks into the box and see's the boy and his eyes widen.

Man: Child why are you out here in this box when you should you be with your family.

Cody:(tears goes down his cheek with his head down) My family is gone, some guys in ninja stuff and had a foot picture on a headband. They took my parents away and then set fire to my home and I've been living out here ever since.

Man:(*The Foot is here in New York! And have already begun their Tierney to here and have ruined the life of a young child*) My name is Hamato Yoshi and you are?

Cody: Cody Braveson.

They both shakes hands and Hamato speaks again.

Hamato: Let's get you out of this rain and you can live with me.

Cody:(scared) But- what if the bed men come and take you away to? I'll be all alone!

Hamato:(pats the boy head) Do not worry child, I'll will protect you for I am a master of ninjutsu.

Cody:(tilts his head) Nin-what?

Hamato:(chuckles at the young child's curiosity) Ninjutsu the art's of a ninja and if you want I will train you in the ways of the ninja.

Cody: Really?! That's sounds so awesome!

Hamato again chuckles at the boy's excitement and then leads the boy to his apartment and the boy life is changed forever.

First person view.

Cody: From that day my life was better, Master Splitter trained me when ever he had the chance sense he had to work but then on my 12th birthday after we left a pet shop and me holding the four baby turtles I adopted we we're walking by when a "man" who bumped into farther shoulder and then we both felt off about the man, we looked at each other and nodded and followed him.

Third person view.

Cody and Hamato stand behind a corner and see the strange man from before talking to another identical man and has over a strange glowing object but as they both step back Hamato steps on a rats tail which alerts the men and the more men behind the them.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03, 2022 ⏰

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