CHAPTER XVIII - Walking. Lots of Walking. (Some written by CarissimeAuthor)

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"So, where are we heading next?" Elfianna asked. I shrugged. Everybody was bored since we didn't have time to pack all our belongings. On top of boredom, the pegasus was crammed with people. The last escape we had 2 pegasus.

"I vote for a restaurant." Ville said. Elfianna had a disgusted look on her face

"Ville, we just ate like a 5 course meal. How are you even thinking of eating?" Elfianna asked.

"Stop being so judgemental." Ville told Elfianna. Elfianna had recently begun fighting with people for no good reason. At this point, I was starting to find her the bad kind of annoying.

"Stop there, that's a donut shop." Magnifique demanded. Elfianna slowed down and turned towards Magnifique.

"Fine, if nobody wants to agree with me then we can go to the donut shop." Elfianna grumbled. She began flying downwards. We stopped the pegasus in a forest near the town.

"What town is this anyway?" Joney asked.

"Fistle Vil, the home of most retired warriors." I answered.

"So a town for retired grandparents?" Joney asked. She was obviously being sarcastic.

"Basically." I replied. We continued walking through the village until we stopped at the donut store. We entered and bought a dozen donuts. Elfianna thought it was excessive but we didn't.

"I'm just saying, that's a lot of donuts!" Elfianna exclaimed.

"No, it really isn't," I countered. "Back in my town—"

"Oh, here you go again, going on and on about your hometown!" Elfianna said sarcastically, rolling her eyes.

"Don't pretend you don't talk about your hometown."

"Guys, shut up!" Magnifique yelled. "Please pay attention! Jeez, it's like you didn't even notice— we've been talking to an elder."

Elfianna and I looked at each other. A simple question portrayed by a glance: wait, we were?

Magnifique rolled her eyes. "Yes, we have. It's like you guys think you're the only people in the world,"

Ville smirked. "Sounds a bit... lovey-dovey," He teased.

"Ville, do me a favor?" Elfianna said.


"Shut up. And stop smirking."

"...Anyway," Magnifique started, "how did you say we could get to that mountaintop over there, again?"

The elder smiled. "Well, you'd have to go on a hike—"
"Wait," I interrupted, "since when were we going on a hike?"

"Since we got here. You didn't know?" Magnifique asked, practically judging me.

"...No. If you don't recall, I was too busy arguing with Elfianna to care." I said, motioning to Elfianna.

"Ugh." Magnifique said in disgust. She quickly thanked the elderly man for his assistance.

"Can we please go now?" Ville winced.

"What's your deal now, Ville?" Elfianna asked. She was clearly annoyed.

"I'm hungry. Yes, again." Ville told Elfianna. We all began walking up towards a large ramp near a mountain.

"Couldn't we have stopped for a snack?" Ville winced again. Everybody ignored ville and continued walking. After only about fifteen minutes, everybody's knees began hurting.

"Guys? Can we stop and take a break?" Joney asked. Joney and Yon had been side by side since we stopped in this village.

"I'm thirsty!" Fiona complained. Fiona had been on Elfiannas back since she was only three. Fiona jumped down from Elfianna's back and sat down on a mossy rock.

"This rock is so yucky." Fiona complained again.

"Can you tell your sister to shut up?" Joney exclaimed. "Its just a rock with moss on it, she doesn't need to complain about everything."

"You're the one with the psycho sister!" Elfianna yelled at Joney.

"I don't think you're one to talk, Elfianna." I said, interrupting their argument. Elfianna was just about done talking to everyone.

"Can all you idiots just shut up?" Magnifique shouted. Her voice echoed through the mountains. "All you pea brains do is argue!"

"It doesnt help your always bossing everyone around." Elfianna muttered. We continued walking til we got to a flat piece of the mountain.

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