Chapter 3: Figure of the Person of Hourai (PART 1)

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Saitama finally comes out of the ground and finds himself in a bamboo forest.
"Wow, I can hardly see anything here." He thinks to himself .
"Hey, what're you doing here on your own?" A tall white haired female wearing red trousers/pants says appearing out of the fog, "And in such weird clothes."
"I don't know, I'm kind of lost." He says quite annoyed by how she said that.
"Well, that doesn't matter anymore because I'm gonna deal with you now." She snaps a ball of flame into existence and gets into a fighting stance.
"Deal with me, how?"
"The lady behind that gap told me about you and said that if I ever see you I should beat the crap out of ya."
"Why though?"
"She didn't spare me the details, but she did say that you were a threat, also something about being bald."
"Oh, so now we're getting offended; even threatened by the fact that I'm bald now, huh?" He loudly says, seconds later, he is punched right in the face, "That isn't cool."
"Wow, she wasn't lying about you being a strong one." She grabs his head and slams him right into the ground, "What's your name?"
"Me?" He gets up off the ground and dusts himself off, "I'm Saitama."
"Fujiawara No Mokou, or just Mokou if you want." She replies with a grin on her face.
"So, seeing that I'm having to fight my way out of this, I hope you can at least put up a good one." He says clenching his fist.
"Don't underestimate me!"
"Sure, I won't." The baldy goes in for a swift punch to the shoulder pushing her into a bamboo tree, following on he appears right in front of her and give her a taste of her own medicine by throwing her into the ground face first.


"Wow, you're really strong, I guess I'm not gonna hold back anymore." She get up and attacks with a flurry of punches and kicks, "Blaze Sign: Self-Destruction Giant Flame Whirlwind!"
"Huh-?" The man stares as he is overwhelmed by a sudden burst of flames.
"That should be all..." she turns around and walks away, "Well, nothing better to do than a quick puff." She goes into her pant's pockets and grabs out a box of cigarettes, "Oh yeah, that's the stuff."
"You know smoking isn't healthy right?"
"Huh, who said that?" She looks around, but then comes to a realisation, "Oh, you're still alive."
"You said something about killing me right?" The smoke dies down as he walks out of it with scratches on his clothes, "I guess I'll also show you a bit of what I can do." He says sending goosebumps down Mokou's spine.
"I'm going to have to throw this to the side for now then." She throws the cig to the ground still lit creating a circle of fire surrounding the two of them.
"That's pretty cool, but get ready for this next one." He raises a fist into the air.
"You're wide open!" She makes a move and kicks the man in the stomach.
"Huh, was expecting more from that." He brings his fist nearer to the woman's face as she is overwhelmed just by the sight of it.
"Shit." It lands and her head twists making a sound it shouldn't.
"Oh, damn, I think I went a bit too far." He says as what he thinks is a corpse is on the floor.
"No more games I guess, seeing that you can kill a Youkai with little to no effort."
"Woah!" He is shocked that she was still conscious even after a punch like that to the face which would have surely made someone faint if not, kill.
"Phoenix Rebirth!" A flame spreads about her body as she shoots up into the air and another explosion happens.
"Again-?" He is cut off short as he is caught in the explosion.


"Undying: South Wind, Clear Sky' Soaring Kick!" She says as she strikes the man right in his chin with her kick.
"..." The man takes the attack with a solemn face.
"This is my last word..." she grabs a card out of nowhere and shouts out loudly, "Let This Whole World Burn Away to Nothing!" A blue light grows from within her expanding like a balloon ready to pop at any given moment.
"Ah, that's bright." He squints his eyes as he is engulfed by the energy, and then it blows up.
"That's all from me I guess." The woman says reappearing out of thin air
"Yeah, you think you can go on any longer?"
"Nah, I give up, I may be immortal but even if I fight you for an eternity, I feel like I'll never catch up to your level."
"Hmm, so we're done then, right?" He asked the girl who falls to the floor on her back.
"Yeah, you beat me, and you don't even seem to be a threat at all, by the way; to leave the forest, you should just head straight, it's gonna take some time to find the exit." She points out with her finger.
"Okay, thank's ma'am, see ya sometime if I ever do."
"See ya too."


And that's the third fight, the next one will be the funny bunny, who knows how this will end up, also, I always write stories tired from what I'm starting to understand, but other than that; I hope you all had a good time reading this, have a wonderful rest of the day!

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