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11 Years Later

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11 Years Later

Memories are built up of moments, moments laced and woven together in a patchwork of emotional pieces. The moments that in that specific time, clung to your heart, tethered themselves so deeply to your senses that it never intended to let go.

This is one of those moments. One that I'll never let go of.

Mia's row is standing, all navy blue caps and gowns matching, like a row of ducks ready to follow their leader. Every student appears the exact same, shoulders pulled back, tassel swaying slightly in the gentle breeze, all doused in the very same material, and yet, she stands out. A vibrant glow radiating around her like an angelic halo.

My daughter.


There are certain moments you think about as a mother. Moments you wonder with wild curiosity. Who will they end up to be? What will they find passion in? Who will they love? Who will love them back with the embrace of the entire world?

First steps. First word. First fall. First date. First love. Graduation. Marriage. Kids.

So many wonders. So many possibilities to ponder and envision, to dream.

It's surreal watching her slowly make her way to the stage, awaiting her name to be called. They say time flies, to hold onto every moment. When you're in it, sometimes it feels like time stands still. Some days it seems as though you'll never get to that next milestone. But now? Watching my baby girl about to graduate high school puts everything in perspective.

A shield of water glosses over my eyes as I feel Tommy's hand reach for mine. His fingers laced between my own, squeezing gently as every one of those moments that have inevitably turned to memories begins to fly across my eyes. I remember her first steps. The plush carpet beneath my knees. The one Vince was so adamant had to be white despite my warnings that a toddler and white would never mesh. The small spaghetti stain on the right corner was evidence of that fact.

But the soft, thick fabric of that carpet made for the perfect place to fall. And fall she did. So many times she tried to take those two tiny steps forward, determined and stubborn to get it right no matter how much her legs tried to tell her she wasn't ready. She wasn't having it. She had already made up her mind that day was the day. And it was. With focus in her eye and a goal in mind, she took those two wobbly steps, tumbling into my waiting arms, a tiny laugh expelling from her lips. A laugh that's still etched across my eardrums, playing a melodic song that I'll never let go of.

She steps up onto the stage, only four names away before she's officially a high school graduate, her steps so much more sturdy, still just as determined. And that stubbornness to never give up, to set a goal and see it through? She hasn't lost that either. She's perfected it.

"Mia Marie Hill."

I'm suddenly on my feet, Tommy's hand pulled from mine as we both begin clapping, yells surrounding both sides of me as Brooke and Lucas scream along with us, cheering their big sister on. Tommy's whistles fill the entire field, echoing across the surrounding hills as Mia turns toward us, a shy smile across her face with the smallest shake of her head.

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