Don't You Love Me?

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Harry breaks up with Y/N and falls in love with another woman.

Everything was perfectly fine from Y/N's perspective. She felt better than she had in years while dating Harry, having the assurance that she would come home to him every night enough to help her push through any problems going on in her social life and such. She might come home crying over something stressful at work every now and then, but he'd always wrap her up in his arms and take all of the anxiety and stress right from her shoulders, rock her back and forth gently, maybe cook her her favorite meal, or just make love to her to help her forget.

Harry had been taking note of different things than her, though. He wouldn't take extra notice of when she'd immediately calm down just from being held by him, how she'd call for him in her sleep when she was having a nightmare, how she thought of him as her safety. His mind seemed to only focus on the things he wasn't doing right, on everything he was fucking up. He would only seem to think on whenever they've been mobbed by fans and paps and she'd burst into tears right when they got home because Harry knows she has anxiety but still puts her through that. He would only notice how uncomfortable she'd get sometimes whenever a news article about her would come up because Harry also knows she prefers living a quiet, normal life.

Y/N wants to live a quiet, normal life. And Harry was fucking that up completely for her. She has an ordinary job with a normal salary, goes to university, loves going to the movies, cuddling, going on dates to cute places like the ice rink and bowling alley. But she can't do any of that with Harry. If they do, they just get mobbed by fans eventually.

It didn't take Harry but 3 months to realize that he was ruining her life.

And it took him another 10 months to do something about it.

Back to where it started; Y/N felt the happiest she ever had, so when Harry broke up with her, that streak broke. Funny how after over a year of being with, who she thought was, the love of her life, it only took five words to change everything.

"This is not working out."

She remembers feeling her heart shatter at the abrupt words, then quietly croaking, "What?"

Harry had begun lying so severely that his head started hurting from his mouth contradicting his mind.

"I just don't think we were made for each other."

You're my soulmate.

"I hope you can find someone better for you, Y/N."

Seeing you with another man might kill me.

"I just don't feel the way I used to."

I love you so much.

What was Y/N supposed to do after that? Ask why? He'd told her all she needed to know; He'd told her the truth. He lost feelings for her and wanted to end what they have. How long had he felt that way? How many times had he faked, well, everything? As she thought of it, they'd made lo— had sex just last night. Was he faking then, too, just letting their bodies move so intimately together in pity for her? In that moment, she felt pathetic. She was a sympathy case for him, nothing more than a little girl whose dating some big famous celebrity and has no business doing so. Harry deserved a model, someone of the same status, someone who could fucking buy a new phone without having to worry about hurting their monthly budget. Harry'd offered to buy her things before, actually had done it multiple times, but she despised having other people taking care of her. Though, now, realizing he wouldn't be there, she might have fallen into a bit of a habit.

"Okay," Is all she said. And her eyes were hot and tearing up but she really didn't want to look any more pathetic in front of him. So she just stood there, then realizing she was in his house technically.

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