Business Trip

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"You'll miss me, right?"

"Of course, I will, pretty girl."

Harry felt (Y/N)'s smile stretch as he nudged his nose against hers in a delicate puppy's kiss. Her cheeks were warm in his hands as he stood with her in the foyer, his bags packed and settled by the door in wait of him to leave for his early morning flight.

"Even if I end up calling you in twenty minutes to help me get back to sleep?"

"Especially then, sweetheart. Gonna wish I could turn right around and tuck you in."

She always loved when he talked to her like that, the especially he always emphasized for her.

(Y/N) puckered her lips and pressed a delicate kiss to his own through her smile, her fists tightening in his soft sweater where they laid on his shoulders. "You'll be back next Saturday, right?"

"Mhm," he hummed, dotting another peck to her lips before pulling away and running his thumb over the same spot, "Another late flight, though. Don't think I'll land until two in the morning, so I won't be home until closer to three."

"Okay," she sounded, still sounding just as dejected and pouty as she did when he told her about this trip, "Its still okay if I stay here while you're gone, right?"

"Of course it is, pretty girl," he crooned, his smile going lopsided, "I need someone to watch over everything; make sure m'bed stays warm. Y'can do that for me, right?"

Despite the sleepy set of her features, (Y/N) still gave him a sunshine-sweet smile as she nodded her head.

Call him selfish, but Harry loved the idea of her waiting for him at home. Knowing she would be there for him the second he made the trek back, warm and sweet, was enough to have his heart pounding against his chest. Plus, he knew she would be safe and well taken care of here—the fridge was stocked with food he pre-prepared for her or easy things he knew she could accomplish, his place was closer to her school, and she could use his washer and dryer instead of going to the laundromat by her apartment.

Rising to the tips of her toes, (Y/N) pressed a quiet kiss to the full of his smiling mouth. "Text me when you board and when you land, please.'

"You know I will, pretty girl," he murmured, puckering his lips against hers before she could sneak away. "But, I don't want to get a single response from you, 'kay? Y'better be sleeping since y'woke up with me for this."

She canted her head with a shy smile on her lips at his gentle scolding. "Okay, dad," she teased, "I'll go right to bed as soon as you leave, is that okay?"

"Mhm," he hummed, a satisfied smile on his lips at her indulgence to him, "But I do want a text from you when y'wake up."

"Deal," she cemented, hands on her shoulders as she pressed her lips to his one more time. "I love you."

"I love you, too, pretty girl," he cooed, planting a handful of sweet kisses to her lips, "I'll be home soon."

Mimicking his earlier actions, she nudged her nose against his in a tender puppy's kiss. Harry's goodbye to her lingered as he couldn't help but press a handful more kisses to her face as well as hug her as close to his chest as he could through layers of clothing. Several more promises to be home soon, that he loved her with all his heart, and missed her already before he finally detached himself from her and made the lonely walk to his car (it was only a handful of feet, he's just dramatic).

The second he pulled away, Harry felt his phone buzz against his thigh.


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