y/n spending all day in bed with older!h

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"With gazing fed; and fancy dies..." Harry mumbled tiredly as his eyes scanned over the pages, his glasses sitting at the tip of his nose. Y/N had her arms wrapped around his torso with her head snug deep into his breast plate, "In the cradle where it lies, let us all ring fancy's knell."

She loved when Harry read to her. Ever since she had started sleeping over at his house, it was hard to fall asleep at her own home whenever he wasn't around. Sometimes he would stay on the phone with her just to read her to sleep, and other times he was working much too late to do so.

She sighed softly, nudging his skin with her nose as she gave him a weak, tired smile. Harry licked his thumb softly, glancing down at her with a lopsided smile before turning the page over.

"More?" She whispered softly.

"Yes, darling. More." He coo'd softly, eyes scanning over the pages to find another poem to read. She sighed happily, eyes falling heavy as she gave into the sleep that was taking over her.

"A love so deep like the ocean..." He began, voice thickening with sleep as he spoke, "Stood still, as the wind blows. It roars throughout the day and night. Your heart and mine, combined together as one for eternity."

Her chest fluttered, hearing the words leave his mouth. They had been dating for so long, and even now with every breath spoken she felt her heart cry with ache. She really loved him. It was the kind of love that made you want to climb to the top of the tallest mountain and let everyone know. The kind of love that made you want to go crazy. If loving Harry was wrong, she didn't want to be right.

"My heart smiles; whenever you touch me, my heart speaks it says you're the only one for me. Just one kiss from you; makes my heart beat," He said as his other hand started to trace soft feathers against her arm, fingers crawling up to her shoulder just to walk back down slowly, "Real love like ours is meant to be. My love for you is unconditional. It defines what true love is all about. It's more than eternal. I love you. You love me. It's everlasting."

By the time he read the last sentence, he looked down at his sleeping partner. He stared down at her with love lingering in his eyes, a soft smile appearing on his lips before he slowly closed the book and placed it onto the night stand.

He sunk down into the bed, wrapping his strong arms around her slowly before pulling her impossibly close to him.

"I love you so much, Y/N." 


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