Not That Bad

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"Harry," you wheeze breathlessly from under his arm. "Ouch!"

"Quit movin', m'tryin' to get t'sleep!"

"You're crushing me, you dolt!"

"M'not!" Harry squawks indignantly but you feel a grin against your shoulder.


"S'twin bed, innit, love?" He defends himself. "I've got nowhere else to go 'cept on top o' yeh, 'less you wan' me on the floor?"

"Thinking about it," you grumble to him and his response is to shift so his body is sprawled halfway on top of yours.

"Harry, I can't breathe!"

"What'sit, love?" Harry yawns. "Can't hear you." His arm tightens around you and he nuzzles his face into your neck. You know that movement well and know that it means he's on his way to being out like a dead light bulb.

"M'gonna die," you declare in a dramatic whisper.

"M'not gonna kill yeh," he promises. He blows harshly through his lips suddenly and although you can't see him you know he's gotten a chunk of hair in his mouth, even if you're not sure whether it's his or yours. "Bein' near me tha' bad?" Harry yawns again and you feel a kiss to the back of your head. "Now shut up an' let us get some sleep, yeah?"

You don't answer him but a deep frown is pulling on your face. He's heavy and his body is like a furnace keeping half of you pinned to the mattress. It's overwhelming, and he is crushing you a little bit, but despite your complaints and the way you squirm under his arm and body with the occasional kick into his shin (by accident), you like having him everywhere. You like that he's too much, even if he's being a stupid boy and it feels like you're wearing him like a coat or a second skin, because so often he's not enough and too far.

No, being near him is not that bad.

You only start to stir when Harry does shift off you as the night goes on, and you think you feel him watching you from behind. You hold your breath and then you feel his fingers touch your hair gently. "Hey," he croaks sleepily. You don't respond and the bed moves behind you as he sits up a bit to peer down at you. "Love?"

You exhale at last and Harry groans. "Jesus Christ, don'...."

You hide a sleepy smile into the pillow and he drops down behind you again. His arm slides off you and you whimper and kick at his shin again, this time on purpose.

"What!?" Harry groans. "What the fuck did I do now?"

"C'mback," you slur.

Harry shakes his head against his pillow in disbelief. "Christ. 'Harry get lost, Harry come back, Harry jump—"

You kick at him again but it's more of a gentle prod and then you feel him pulling on your upper arm. You whine but he shushes you. "Jus' movin' yeh on top now, c'mon." You straddle him and wiggle a bit to get settled before tucking your head neatly in the crook of his neck. Your lips are just barely brushing his skin and his hair is soft on your cheek, and Harry has his hands resting comfortably on your back.

"M'I crushing you?" you mumble sleepily.

"No," he returns even as his chest rises with a little more effort underneath you. His fingers brush against the ends of your hair and then he pulls a few strands away from your face when you blow them out of your mouth. "S'alright, love. S'not tha' bad. Back to sleep."

You hum contently and snuggle close. You'll have to repeat this shuffling and rearranging of bodies and limbs again, and you'll both complain and lob insults in the process, but it's not that bad. You'd rather have him close enough to fight with him three times in one night than far enough to miss it.

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