Gone Under

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summary: the one here she's gone under and he tries to get her back

Harry should have listened to her, he reckons, green eyes flashing in worry and concern as his head hangs in guilt at the sight in front of him. He should've paid attention to his girlfriend when she mumbled she was too tired to co-host a party, but all he had done was lose his patience and say a string of harsh things he wish he hadn't.

It started out with y/n coming home in the evening after a long day at university, shoulders slumped and a sigh compressed in her chest, her eyes and throat burning with the empty feeling of needing a good cry, but the tears never came. She placidly slips off her shoes and brings her aching feet out onto the cool tiles of the flat she shared with her boyfriend, sniffling as the weight on her shoulders slowly lessened once she had walked into the flat.

Harry could do that to a girl, and y/n knew this from personal experience. After a couple of hours of him holding her close, back rubs, and snuggles in front of the Netflix streaming T.V., her troubles would be forgotten or seen as easier to handle than before, and the fine lines on her worried forehead would fade into nothing as she fades into sleep. That's what y/n has been eager to come home to all day.

The day hasn't been easy on y/n, to say the least. She had left for uni bright eyed, kissing Harry goodbye and refusing to let him drive her, wanting to take the train instead. In her rush to be early, y/n forgets her phone at home. That's her first mistake.

Afterwards, when she's finally reached the train station which is a five minute walk from her and Harry's flat, she reaches into her front and back pockets, trying to find her phone urgently as time ticks away and a weird, unsettled feeling gnaws deep inside her stomach in sickeningly short waves. When y/n realizes that she's left her phone at home, it takes everything within her to not freak out then and there, because she has a project she's poured her heart into that she has to present to the class in the afternoon, and nothing can kill her vibes. But, the problem is, she kept her credit card, dollar bills and some identification all inside of her phone case. The only thing she had now was a student I.D. card hung around her neck and dropping at her chest.

When y/n had finally come to the conclusion she had no money on her, she had to run to her university in order to not be late, which sounded very stupid, because why didn't she just go back to her flat and grab the materials she needed? But, y/n knew she could make it in time if she ran, seeing as the university was a twenty minute drive and the professor teaching her first class that morning was very crabby and harsh when it came to students missing classes or appearing late. Unlike other professors, who genuinely didn't give a fuck, Prof Adams was something else.

When she finally appears at the university gates, sweating and makeup running down her face slightly, y/n flashes her I.D. to the guards by the entrance, who then let her in. She runs to the class she's supposed to be in five minutes early, and is finally calming down when she realizes it's Friday and she has a class with Prof. O'Connor, who was much more flexible with time than Adams. At this point she's sure she's about to have a nervous breakdown, but seamlessly jogs to the correct class.

By lunch, y/n's stomach is growling loudly, but she realizes that one, she doesn't have a penny on her, and two, the project she had been so excited to present was a group project, and even if she had poured her heart and soul into this project, it was going to be graded based on the work everyone had done. And so, she'd collected everyone's part into the project and worked over lunch like a mad woman possessed, her head dizzy and stomach growling faintly in hunger, pleading for her to fill it with food.

And once she's finally finished perfecting everything in the student library, running on cheap caffeine and her own fear of failing, y/n had bolted, running up the the stairs as fast as she could so she could reach her class in time. And, of course, she had to fall down an entire flight of stairs just then. Which wasn't only painful, but really embarrassing. After that episode, she trots up the stairs, finishes the presentation, and has to walk to their flat in the rain, because all her peers took off before she could ask if she could use their phone to call Harry or hitch a ride.

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