Afrah couldn't take her eyes off a sleeping Jameel. Staring at him while he was sleeping was something she had always wanted to do-to memorize every angle of his face. He looked so innocent, like a newborn.If this isn't love, I wonder what is. I love you more than I've ever loved myself and no matter what happens, that's never going to change. I can't cut you off because you're already a part of me. No one can steal me away from you if that's what you're worried about. You're my Afrah and I'm forever your Jameel.
Afrah's cheeks flushed at the words Jameel had said to her the previous night. She was just being paranoid. Jameel would always be hers. He had said it to her. He had proven it to her. She had absolutely nothing to be worried about.
Jameel had reassured her that he was incapable of loving another and she believed every single word.
Afrah traced her hand on his lips-the lips that had been on hers a few hours ago but she was too shy to reciprocate the act. She suddenly felt the urge to kiss him and make up for that. Jameel had poured his heart out to her. She felt she was being unfair to him by holding back.
She had begun to lean in when a knock on the door startled her.
Swiftly, she turned her back on Jameel and closed her eyes, pretending to be asleep.
Afrah felt his hand snake around her waist as he shifted closer to her, then a few kisses on the crook of her neck before she felt his absence.
Discreetly, she opened an eye and saw him walking away to get the door.
Afrah mentally cursed whoever it was at the door for successfully ruining the moment. She suspected Najah, the desperado.
Immediately Afrah heard the door slam, she went back to pretending to be asleep.
Jameel chuckled, making her furrow her brows in perplexion. Did he perchance know she was faking her sleep?
Relentlessly, she kept her eyes closed and waited for his next action.
Jameel crouched in front of her, beside the bed. He didn't say anything for a while.
Afrah could feel his breath on her face before he flicked her forehead with his finger and chuckled again. "You've been caught. Open your eyes. I know you're awake."
Afrah slowly opened her eyes but made sure their gazes didn't meet. She just couldn't bring herself to look into his eyes after last night. She would need at least a day to get used to the change. "What are you saying? I just woke up." She said, feigning sleepiness.
"Yeah, right," sarcasm dripped off Jameel's tone. "I was having this beautiful dream before I woke up. Do you want to know what it was about?"
"No!" Afrah sprang to a sitting position.
"Why not?"
Afrah wished she could wipe that smug look on his face. Definitely, he had caught her attempting to kiss him. Afrah wished the bed would split open and engulf her.
"I think you already have an idea of what it is," he continued; the cocky smile not leaving his face even for a second. "I won't tell you then."
Afrah couldn't be more grateful for that. As it was, she was abashed enough.
Jameel cupped her face and before she could comprehend what he had in mind, he touched her lips with his.
Just when Afrah was about to close her eyes and live the moment, her senses kicked in. Wide-eyed, she pushed Jameel away and wiped her lips. "We haven't brushed our teeth yet."

Against The Tide
RomanceIn a world where tribal prejudice runs deep, Afrah Abdulmalik and Jameel Saif Albani find themselves bound by a forbidden love. Despite sharing the same country and religion, their different ethnicities ignite a firestorm of disapproval from Afrah'...