Chapter Two - The Monolith

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After escaping the Jedi Purge in the Jedi Temple, the Jedi training cruiser carrying the Kybuck Clan reached Wild Space. Once reaching Wild Space, the Younglings gathered around. 

Katooni: Have we been followed?

Ganodi: Nothing's coming up on the radar. I think we're in the clear. 

Byph: <What now?>

Zatt: The only thing we can do is find somewhere safe to land. That shouldn't be hard......I hope.

Huyang: Young Zatt is right. Our best option will be to find a planet isolated enough to hide out until we are contacted by the Masters. 

Petro: Not like we have any choice. We better find somewhere quick or else we'll be dead out here in space. 

Ganodi then looks at the ship's holomap. The nearest planet was too far for them to travel in without running out of fuel. Knowing that they needed to find a planet fast, Ganodi tried to pinpoint any possible celestial bodies that could be used as a safe haven. Ganodi soon looks out the cockpit window and saw what appeared to be a moon. 

Ganodi: That's strange. It's not appearing on the holomap.

Petro: It's just a small moon. You know how many small moons go uncharted? I'm sure there's about a thousand uncharted moons in the Core World!

Zatt: Not like we have any other choice. It's either that moon or lose fuel and drift aimlessly in space where we'll most likely starve to death.

In that moment, Ganodi decided on going to the uncharted moon. As the Jedi Training Cruiser began making it's course to the moon, everyone on board could feel a dark presence lingering over them.

Gungi: <Do you guys feel that?>

Petro: Yeah. I've got a bad feeling about this.

As Ganodi piloted the Jedi Training Cruiser towards the moon, it's shape was made visible. It bore a octahedron shape with red pulsating vein like lines. As the mysterious moon became closer and closer, it was clear that something was wrong.

Huyang: That's no moon....that's a monolith.

Petro: A monolith? You lost me.

Katooni: There's...there's something dark within it.

Petro: So I guess that's our cue to leave.

Katooni: Whatever's down there, it's not worth the risk.

Ganodi: Say no more. Turning the ship around.

As Jeremy attempts to turn the ship around, the Jedi Training Cruiser continues to fly towards the mysterious monolith. Everyone quickly becomes concerned. 

Byph: <Ganodi....why are we still flying towards that monolith?> 

Ganodi: I...I don't know! The ship's controls are unresponsive! I've got the auxiliary power locked in and it's not working! We might be caught in some sort of tractor beam or a immensely strong gravitational pull!

Gungi: <There has to be something you can do!>

Ganodi: I'm afraid there's nothing any of us can do! Whatever's got us is strong! I'm not getting any readings on the computer!

Petro: Then why are we being pulled into it?!

Ganodi: I...I don't know! Strap yourselves in! I'm going to try and get us out of here!

As the Jedi Cruiser got closer to the monolith, it began to violently shake. Ganodi does everything in her power to try and break through the gravitational pull, but nothing seems to be working. 

Petro: I have a bad feeling about this!

Soon enough, the Jedi Training Cruiser was approaching the monolith. Just as it seemed like it was about to crash it stops. Before anyone could react, the ship was consumed by a blinding light. What followed was darkness as the ship seemed to disappear. The light soon overwhelmed them as they lost consciousness. After an unknown amount of time, the Kybuck Clan and Professor Huyang wake up inside their ship.

Huyang: Is everyone alright?

As the Kybuck Clan responded to Huyang's question, they all tried investigating what had happened. At this point, fear and uncertainty began to clutch the Jedi on board. But suddenly, Ganodi receives a signal coming from the Jedi Temple.

Ganodi: It's the Jedi Temple!

Huyang: Play it. Perhaps this message will shed light on what has happened.

Ganodi soon plays the message which reveals a holoimage of Jedi Master Obi-Wan Kenobi. In that moment, a sense of hope was felt among the Younglings.

Obi-Wan(Holorecording): This is Master Obi Wan Kenobi. I regret to report that both our Jedi Order and the Republic, have fallen with a dark shadow of the Empire rising to take their place. This message is a warning and a reminder for any surviving Jedi. Trust in The Force. Do not return to the Temple...that time has past. And our future is uncertain. We will each be challenged. Our trust. Our faith. Our friendships. But we must persevere. And in time, a new hope will emerge. May the Force be with you, always.

As the message ended, that sense of hope turned to fear and uncertainty. To hear that the Jedi had in fact fallen came as a deep shock to everyone on board. 

Huyang: So this ambush was not an isolated incident. This was happening all across the Galaxy.

Katooni: But why?! Why would the Clones do this?!

Huyang: I do not know. But what I know for certain is that the Jedi Order as we know it, is no more.

As the Architect Droid said this, the Younglings were in disbelief.

Gungi: <I can't believe it. Is the Jedi Order really gone?>

Zatt: This can't be real.....

Petro: So what's the plan?

Katooni: First thing we need to do is find out everything we can about this place. If we're going to hide in here, we need to learn everything we can.

Zatt: That's probably a good idea. Hey Byph. You still got that translator on you?

Byph: <I think I do.>

Byph then checks his pocket and pulls out an Ithorian translator. He then puts it on and activates it. He tests it out.

Byph: Testing.....testing.....1. 2. 3. Can you guys hear me clearly?

Everyone responded in agreement. After that, the Kybuck Clan gathered their equipment and prepared to search the place they crashed into. When they exited the ship, they saw they they were in the outskirts of a city. The city in the distance was a dense, medieval-style town surrounded by bone mountains and forests, with two large green arms looming over it.

Petro: I've got a bad feeling about this....

With that, the Kybuck Clan and Huyang set off for the city in an attempt to find answers on where they are as well as find a way out. What the two didn't know was that they were now embroiled in yet another adventure. They had taken their first steps into a larger and stranger world. 

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