Chapter Seventeen - House Sitting Job

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As the next day rolled around, the Kybuck Clan were training. After completing their training, hey entered the Owl House to find Eda, Luz and King getting ready to leave. The Jedi could see feathers on Eda's arms.

Petro: What's with the feathers?

Eda: My curse is acting up and I'm all out of Elixir. So unless you kids over there to tango with me in my Owl Beast form again, we better get a move on!

With that, The Kybuck Clan and Professor Huyang joined Eda and the others in going to the market to help get Eda more Elixir to keep her curse at bay. As Eda haggled the vender who makes her Elixir, the Kybuck Clan were looking around. 

Ganodi: You know something? I think I'm getting used to this place. 

Byph: I mean....this place is nice. Strange but nice. 

Gungi: <It's not exactly Kashyyyk, but it does have it's charm.>

As the Kybuck Clan were waiting for Eda to buy the Elixir, they saw Willow and Gus. They looked rather dejected.

Luz: Willow and Gus! Heya, friends! Wait, what's wrong? Who hurt my babies?

Willow points to a food stand where Amity and a couple of other girls were. Immediately, Mission became annoyed.

Petro: Great. Her again. What did she do this time?

Willow: Amity's having a moonlight conjuring and invited everyone but me.

Gus: And she keeps posting about it on her Penstagram account.

Gus then summons his Scroll and pulls up Penstagram and the latest post made by Amity.

Petro: "It's conjuring night! No dorks allowed"?! What a little Schutta! 

Katooni: I'm sorry to hear about this, Willow.

Luz: What's a moonlight conjuring?

Willow: You spend the night at someone's house, telling stories, playing games...

Luz: Like a slumber party! We have those!

Willow: Then you bring something to life with moon magic!

Luz: Like a weird slumber party!

Willow: Gus and I have never been to one. You need at least three people and--

Luz: I'm three people-- I mean, we're three people, and we're way better than them! Oh wait! We got everyone here so that's 9! 10 if we're counting the Professor. That's even better. 

It was at this point that they were approached by Amity and the other girls. Boscha begins antagonizing Willow.

Boscha: Sorry you couldn't get an invite to the conjuring, Willow. Only real witches allowed.

Amity: Leave her alone. It's not her fault she was born without talent.

Having had enough of them picking on Willow, Petro steps in. Suddenly, a mischievous smile falls on Petro's face. 

Petro: You and your little Schutta goon friends better out of our faces!

Boscha: Oh really? And what are you and Half A Witch Willow are gonna do about it?

Petro: One. 

Skara: Wait...why is he counting down?

Petro: Two. 

Zatt: Petro? 

Cat: We better get going, Boshca.

Boscha: We're not going anywhere. This guy thinks he's so tough, let's see how tough he is!

Petro: Three.

As she finishes counting down, Petro lets out a loud whistle. Boscha and the others wait for Petro to carry his threat while Gungi walks behind them. With a smile on his face, Petro simply points behind them. 

Boscha: Really? That's your big threat? What's the walking carpet gonna do? Puke hairballs at us? 

Petro: Here's a little fact about Wookiees. They tend to rip people's arms out of socket when someone crosses them. And Gungi here has a real bad temper so.....

Petro snaps his fingers. This prompts Skara and Cat to run in fear. Boscha simply grunts in annoyance as she walks away.

Boscha: Of course Demon Hunters are never around when you need them.....

As Boscha walks away, Petro chuckles. 

Katooni: Was that really necessary, Petro? 

Petro: Maybe not. But it sure felt good. 

Luz: Don't waste your time getting thorny over them. 'Cause we're gonna have our own moonlight conjuring.

Gus: Are you serious? This was on my bucket list. After owning a real human bucket!

Luz: That's a really weird thing to want, but I appreciate your enthusiasm. I'll go tell Eda.

Soon enough, the Kybuck Clan followed Luz, Willow and Gus to where Eda was.

Luz: Eda, Gus and Willow and I are gonna do a moonlight conjuring and stick it to Amity. So can we--

Eda: Not tonight, I'm going out. I need you to watch the house, I have many precious objects in there.

King: Like me! Whoa!

Eda: You're coming with me. I need an extra pair of eyes looking out for pickpockets, and an extra pair of hands in case I want to pickpocket.

Eda/King: Pickpocket!

Luz: Then, maybe they can come to the house and--

Eda: No! Besides, conjurings are dumb; sitting in a circle holding hands. Pft. It's like magic for babies.

Luz: But....

Before Luz could finish her sentence, Eda begins walking away with King. It wasn't long before Willow and Gus caught up.

Willow: Luz! What did Eda say?

Luz: So...guys...

Gus: Oh, look! The moon is rising into place. And the celestial powers only align once a year.

Willow: Oh, I can't believe I finally have enough friends for a moonlight conjuring! Thank you, Luz! Did Eda say it was okay?

Luz: Uhm...yes. She said yes. We can do it at the Owl House. As long as we don't make a mess or touch anything and never bring up that we did it!

Gus: Yes!

Willow: Oh, you're the best!

Willow/Gus: We're gonna do a conjuring! We're gonna do a conjuring! Conjuring! Conjuring!

Huyang: Perhaps I'll oversee this....make sure you don't get into too much trouble.

With that, the Kybuck Clan and Huyang decided to go along with Luz's plan to host a Moonlight Conjuring at the Owl House despite Eda's disapproval. As Luz prepared for the Moonlight Conjuring, the Kybuck Clan prepared for things to get out of hand as situations like these usually did. 

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