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'I'm hungry' A man walking on a sidewalk clutching two swords with weird clothes thought

'When was the last time I ate?' He thought, maneuvering around people in front of him

"Akeno look" A small girl with white hair says signaling a girl taller than her to look at the weird man

"Weird...do you think he knows about the super-" She was cut when a woman screamed at the top of her lungs

"HELP HE TOOK MY PURSE" The woman screams pointing at a guy in a ski mask running with a purse and a knife

The man with a knife runs straight at the weird with his knife flaring at the man

"Get out of my way freak! Before I kill you" The man says getting ready to stab the man

"Akeno should we help him?" The white-haired asked Akeno who licked her lips before answering

"Not yet I wanna see what this guy could," She says watching the interaction

To the man's surprise, the weird man unsheaths one of his swords

The man then ran towards the man with His sword held outstretched in one arm.

He then executes a two-handed overhead swing that cut the man in half,

This surprised many of the people there, almost everyone there gaining terrified expressions

"What was that Akeno?" The white-headed girl says surprised

"I don't...know," Akeno says surprised not expecting this watching the robber get sliced in half

The man sheaths his sword before standing there before falling to the ground

This makes Akeno and the girl go over to the man to make sure he isn't dead

"He's just unconscious," The girl says after checking his pulse

"Get away from him that guy is dangerous!" A woman says before getting stopped by the girl

"Don't worry mam we will take him to the police station" The girl says throwing the man over her shoulder and making the mask fall off

Showing his face which had an overgrown beard with messy hair covering his face

"When was the last time this guy showered?" The white-headed girl says walking off

"I don't know but he needs to shower," Akeno says back

"How did she...?" The woman says confused at the strength of the woman

Time skip

The Man wakes up in a bed and the first thing he notices was that his swords weren't on him

Getting out of the bed he kicks the door open and walks down the hall and finally found a group sitting on the couch

"Oh you're finally awake," A crimson-haired girl said sipping tea

"Where are my swords!" The man says in a serious voice

"Calm down and we will talk," She says sipping her tea before setting it down and looking at the man

"I won't say it again...give me my swords!" He says taking a step before a sword was at his neck

"Bucho said calm down," A blond-haired kid said glaring at him

"A swordsman? You want to fight?" The man says looking the kid right in the eyes letting off his battle intent scaring the kid

"Kiba stand down," The girl says making Kiba stand down

"Yes Bucho" Kiba says about to let down his guard before barely dodging a kick to the face

"You're not a swordsman," The man says punching Kiba in the stomach and making Kiba drop to his knees coughing

"That's enough!!!" The girl screams angry making the man glance at her

"Give me my swords back then," The man says grabbing Kiba by the throat

"Fine...Koneko" She says signaling the white-haired girl who had the swords

Koneko with the swords walked to the man who glaring at her while still holding Kiba's throat

"Hmm thank you" The man threw Kiba to the ground by his throat before grabbing his swords

"Now that you have your swords...can we please have a civilized conversation," The crimson-haired girl says irritated

"I'll talk...don't try anything or that could mean death for all of you," The man says taking a seat on a couch

"So first off...what is your name?" She asked as Akeno poured her more tea

"Shouldn't you say your name first...I thought that was basic etiquette" The man says making her cough

"I'm sorry my name is Rias Gremory," Rias says with a closed eye smile

"Ok then...My Bushida Ren" He says before Akeno walks in front of him with the teapot and a cup

"Would like tea, sir?" She questions with a smile

"No, thank you...I'm fasting," He says unsheathing his sword with a purple sheath and inspecting it before doing the same with the white one

"Would you like to know the name of my sword?" He questions Kiba who was looking at them with awe all over his face

"Uh sure?" He says not expecting him to ask him that

"This one is named Enma," He says looking at the purple one making Kiba get spooked

"Wh-wha-what? Enma...you mean the one rumored to be as strong as Excalibur?!" Kiba says shocked looking at the sword closely

"The one and only," He says with a slight smile looking at it

"Is that sword that strong?" Rias asks sipping her tea with her legs crossed

"Yes Busho, it was said to clash with Excalibur with no problem at all even said to get one over on it" Kiba explained

"How did you get your hands on such a sword?" Rias asked intrigued about how he got his hands on it

"Don't worry about it...I have to leave...now" The man says looking down before noticing he wasn't wearing his original clothes

"Wh-" He was about to say but was interrupted by Rias

"You just now noticed...you were wearing different clothes?" She questions baffled

"You can't blame my second most prized possession was missing," He says as Akeno sits beside clinging to his side

"Oh, your second? what's your first?" She questions with a smile making him grow a sad look

"You don't need to worry about that," He says getting up and walking towards the door

"I'll becoming back for my clothes...besides all of that...it was nice meeting you Devils," He says walking out of the door

"What he knew what we were?" Kiba says confused

"Not surprising" Koneko says sitting down and eating a chocolate bar

Now we're with Ren who was walking on the sidewalk with a sad face as it started raining

"It's raining...it looks the same as the day I met her," He says as his tears started surfacing

"Why did you make me leave?"

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