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"Hmm interesting, so you call these things American superhero comics?" Ren asks as he flips through it

"Yeah although they've kinda been going downhill lately they still have so many iconic stories," Issei says with a bag full of stuff as they walk

"Hmm I might just have to get me some of these" Ren says interested in the story

"So Ren, where do you stay?" Issei asks Ren who was strolling through the comic

"I have nowhere to stay I just roam around until I meet my goals," Ren says not looking up from the comic

"What?! How could you live on the street? That's unexpectedly come live with me and my parents!" Issei says making Ren look at him

"You're really stupid...I could be a killer you know" Ren says making Issei smile

"I don't think you're that type of person you seem like a nice guy!" Issei says before making Ren follow him home

'So Nieve' Ren thinks

'This could get him killed one of these days

"Mom, Dad meet my friend Ren he'll be staying with us from now on! He'll be staying in the guest room!" Issei says with a smile

"It's nice to meet sir," Issei's mother says bowing at Ren

"Yes it's nice to meet you, you can eat dinner with us and tell us about yourself," Issei's father says smiling

Right now Ren and the Hyoudou family were eating food although When Ren put the food in his mouth he burned it with fire magic

He didn't eat it because it was nasty nothing like that he didn't eat it because he was fasting

"So Ren where are you from?" Mr. Hyoudou says eating the food

"I'm from Japan," Ren says putting food inside his mouth before using energy to make it disappear

"You're from here are you?" Mr. Hyoudou says interested

"Is something wrong with that?" Ten asks confused

"No, no no...no...its just your attitude...are you from some prominent family?" Mr. Hyoudou questions

"...you could say that...but they're all dead now," Ren says in an emotionless voice sounding like he didn't care

"Oh I'm sorry for your loss...you can stay here as long as you like as long as you can get yourself off of the ground," Mrs. Hyoudou says in a sad tone

"Yeah man sorry for your loss...I don't think I can understand how you feel about that" Issei says smiling sadly ad Ren who gives him a nod

"Thank you for your condolences...I'll be sure to pay my gratitude back to you in the future," Ren says giving a nod

"Hahaha no need to do that, we're doing this out of the kindness of our hearts," Mr. Hyoudou says before taking a bite out of his food and giving Ren a smile

After dinner was done Issei showed Ren to his temporary room

"This is where you're going to be staying!" Issei says smiling showing a moderate room

"Thank you so much Issei Hyoudou...In the future whenever you're in trouble don't be scared to call me" Ren says bowing to Issei who smiles in response

"Don't worry about it!... We're friends!" Issei says smiling before he said goodbye to Ren and walked back to his own room

"Help!!" Ren hears a girl yell for help making him gain an even more serious expression

Disappearing Ren runs from house to house running to where he heard to the little girl's voice

Walking onto a dark street he sees a small girl running from a man that looked human but wasn't

Feeling the man's aura Ren's eyes widen and pulled out both of his swords and rushed at the man

"Oh! Who the heck are you?!" The man says blocking his attack before his eyes widen seeing Ren

"R-r-ren b-bushida?!" The man screams before jumping back shaking

"How is your kind still alive?... I killed him...it should be over" Ren says looking at the person who smirks through his shaking

"W-w-w-well since we can't hide it anymore...mast- AHHHHHH!!" The man screams holding his face before he looked back up

His eyes were replaced with a pair of crimson eyes that looked cold

"Ren Bushida...it has been a while," The man says in a cold voice

"Muzan...I could say the same"

Sorry for the short chapter I just wanted to get this out there

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