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"Ren Bushida...it has been a while," The man says in a cold voice

"Muzan...I could say the same"

"So Muzan where are you...so I could finish the job" Ren says making Muzan smile slightly

"Who knows where I am...I could be at the remains of the first Japanese country full of samurai" Muzan says but he didn't get a reaction

"Or I could be in the underworld...stocking one of the four satan's," He says making Ren squint his eyes

"Or I could be in Kyo-" He was about to say when Ren quickly decapitated him with a glare before he calmed down and turned towards the little girl on the ground

Reaching toward the girl as she shakes uncontrollably scared

"Don't worry...the monster is gone" Ren says as he cradled her trying to comfort her

'This situation...has to be handled quickly...if not humans will be slaughtered and eaten just like back then' Ren thought before he disappeared

It was the next morning and Ren has just gotten done killing another gang before he went back to the Hyoudou residents

Getting back into his room Ren looked at the small girl who was sleeping in his bed

The girl then stirred awake as she looks to see Ren looking at her with a gentle smile

"Girl...what's your name?" Ren questions the girl who hesitated before answering

"Mommy and Daddy told me to...never tell a stranger my name," The girl says looking at Ren like he was a creep

"...My name is Bushida Ren...I am a loyal samurai of Japan" Ren says before kneeling down and holding out his sword

"W-w-what?" The girl says confused looking at Ren who looked serious

"Now that I've introduced myself... whats yours," Ren says making the girl blush

"F-f-fine...my name Ai," She says in a childish voice

"Ai huh?...cute," Ren says making her smile and blush at the same time

"T-t-thank you," She says shyly

"Do you know where your parents are?" Ren questions making her look down sadly

"T-that m-m-man...said their blood tasted good...and wanted to eat me...that w-when you came" She stutters sadly

"...I'm sorry...I swore it was my duty to protect humanity but I guess I'm bad at my job" Ren says sadly

"Nano with you Ai would be dead," Ai says looking at him

"Because of that...Ai is happy," She says giving him a small smile

*Growl* *Growl* a stomach growl was heard making Ai blush as she held her stomach

"Come... let's eat," Ren says before picking her up before they went to get some food
"So good...Ai likes this food," Ai says as she ate her breakfast

'Is this what it feels like to be a father?...She must hate' Ren thought to himself watching her eat with an adorable smile

"Mr Bushida...are you hungry?" Ai questions looking at Ren who shakes his head looking at her gently

"No I'm not hungry...you can eat as much as you like" Ren says before his observation Haki started going off all around him shocking him

Looking around him he sees multiple people looking at him with devilish smiles licking their lips

'Being able to hide in plain sight...Muzan has gotten even more powerful' Ren thought to himself before he grabbed Ai and unsheathed Ame no Habakari standing on the table

"M-m-mr Bushida what's wrong?" Ai asked scared looking around seeing multiple people stand up as they showed their real form scaring her even more

"W-w-what are those?" She asks hiding her head in Rens chest

"They're just like that man I saved you from...They are Demons...they used to be the biggest threat to human life" Ren says to her as they moved closer

"But I and some other ones killed them...at a cost" Ren says with saddened eyes

"Close your eyes....

(Imagine a crowd)

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(Imagine a crowd)

"Kill him!!" A demon yells

'They don't even have demon arts...Weird' Ren thought to himself as he began killing them all not leaving a single one alive

"Why would he send such low ranks...He's planning something...I can feel it" Ren says as he hugged Ai who was shaking walking out of the destroyed restaurant

I'm probably gonna delv into his background a little bit more during the next few chapters

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Sep 18, 2022 ⏰

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