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3 persons pov

It was silent.....

The only thing that could be heard was the drops of water hitting the black cold floor from the broken pipes.

Lisa head throbbed making her wince in pain. Lisa leaned her head back and squinted her eyes to try to calm her head.

Lisa tried to push her bangs back with her hand but couldn't move them instead all she felt were metal chains holding her hands back.

Lisa's eyes shot open as realization struck "no no no this can't be happening." Lisa breathed as she tried to release her aching wrist from the handcuffs holding them together.

Lisa let out a breath and tried to calm herself to remember what happened last night.

But the only thing she could remember was her talking to jungkook siping the drink he gave her then it was just black.....

And now she's here.

Lisa heard shuffling from the side of her, she quickly turned her head to see jisoo. She looked on the other side of herself to see Jennie and next Jennie was chaehyung.

"Unnie?" Lisa spoke her voice coming out hoarsely. Jisoo lifted up her head blinking a few times trying to get a clear vision.

Once her vision wasn't blurry anymore and went back to normal Jisoo looked at her sister with wide eyes as everything started to sink in.

"U-unnie w-what's happening I thought we were safe now." Lisa whispered with panic evident in her voice.

"It's going to be ok lili we're going to get out of here ok" Jisoo replied trying to stay strong for her youngest. But Jisoo was freaking out internally.

Lisa nodded her head and tried to calm herself a little. "Unnie? Lisa?" Jisoo and Lisa turned to see chaehyung looking back at them with fear in her eyes.

"What's happening I can't remember anything" chaehyung says with anxiousness laced in her voice. "I cant remember anything ether just me talking to jungkook then I woke up here."

Lisa explained trying to control the shakiness in her voice. Jisoo tilted her head "do you guys remember drinking something?"

Lisa and chaehyung both nodded their heads "yeah taehyung gave me a drink and all I remember was it tasting weird
And then I started feeling off."

Jisoo nodded her head "the same thing pretty much happened to me." Lisa's lips started to tremble as tears started to form in her eyes "y-you d-don't think it was th-"

"No lisa! Don't you dare say it their dead ok." Jisoo trembled as fear started taking over thinking of her and her sisters being in grave danger again.

"Then who would of done this" chaehyung asked as a single tear ran down her cheek. "It was those boys."

It was Jennie who spoke this time shocking the other 3 girls because they all thought she was still knocked out.

"I remember jimin saying to me your times up, and he called me by my old code name, they know who we are they've probably been planning this for a while now" Jennie continued.

"Your times up? What the hell is that even supposed to mean!!" Lisa grumbled. Jennie shrugged "i dont know."

Jisoo scoffed "it appears we trusted the wrong people this is what we get for letting our Guard down."

"I'm so sorry guys if I never would of convinced you guys to go to that party this never would of happened" Jennie whispered shaking her head in disappointment.

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