chapter 12: The grafted king

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(author's note: this chapter will be longer than the others).

We see the trio going through the side of the castle while they are fighting giant hawks of this castle. The guys where looking for a way until they see that they can jump to the roof of the building. Jumping on the roof they head through a broken window and in the building they are in. Vanoss looks around and sees something in a big church like room. Vanoss points it out to his friends and they both went to see who it is, the person looks to see them coming.

Vanoss: hello

???: Ah, well it's nice to meet you three

Vanoss: umm nice to see you as well?

Rogier: The pleasure's mine. Rogier's the name. A sorcerer, as you might have guessed

Delirious: the pointy hat

Rogier: yes

Vanoss: well I'm evan and these are my friends Tyler and Jonathan, but call him del

Wildcat: sup

Delirious: hello

Vanoss: so what brings you here

Rogier: I'm looking for a little something, here in the castle. When I'm not hotfooting it from the troops, that is.

Delirious: ok

Rogier: But that's all about me, what are you doing here in Stormveil Castle? This place is bristling with Tarnished hunters, you know. They sacrifice our kind, for grafting. Not exactly a place I'd stroll into without a purpose in mind...

Delirious: well we are after someone name.... Umm who is it that lives here

Wildcat: I think it's....

Rogier: godrick

Wildcat: ya him

Rogier: You can see it then, I take it? The guidance of grace. Well, enjoy it while you can. I'm Tarnished, like you. But unlike you, I've seen neither hide nor hair of this guidance for the longest time.

Wildcat: oh

Rogier: but still, I won't forget how it felt when I first came here, to the Lands Between. I'm privy to a few magical battle arts. Would you care to learn one? As a fellow Tarnished, once guided by grace, I'd love to help you out, if it please

Wildcat: let's me, since I want magic

Vanoss: sure I guess

Rogier: here what I got

Rogier only has three papers, each one is an ash of war. Wildcat looks at them and sees that they involve magic. One is a glintstone pebble like delirious but lesser, next is a something called carian Greatsword, and the last one is the spinning weapon. Wildcat looks at them carefully and decided to take the carian Greatsword art move. Wildcat pulls out a pocket of runes they've been getting and hands it to rogier to purchase. After that wildcat thanks him and they both head off further into the stormveil castle. The path they took leads them to the door ahead, but a soldier and a those silver knight stand in their path. The guys charge in to attack the soldier first do to them being simple to take out, than they attack the silver knight.

After dealing with them they continue on to the door and they ended up in a room where a wooden table is and a fireplace. They head into the next room where they are on a balcony, to their right is another of those soldiers but with an axe. They look down and are freaked out of what they see at the bottom. A monsterous spider like creature under a large cloth wielding a sword and shield. Knowing they will fight it they'll think about it later, for now they move on.

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