sorry for not posting

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hello fellow beings! 

sorry i havent posted in a while. i've been busy with other stuff, like school. speaking of school, my last day was on may 24th, i have no idea why the hell i never posted to this book. anyway, im here now! so here's what you missed out on

we got class awards, and i got 2. most likely to be internet famous, and super speller.

i got my first A honor roll (an award for getting all A's. there's one for B's too) on the last day of school.

there was a glow party at school, and after that i chugged an entire sprite and didnt burp for like 2 minutes ( my stomach was not happy with me) we also had a dance circle thing and i did the Fortnite default dance in the middle of it ( i was forced to, ok? im good at it too)

there was a party for all the kids that didnt get an office referal, and obviously i didnt get to go. though i was with all the others that didnt get to go, we still had fun. we got to draw and did this game thing and i got a rice crispy treat.

my friend slapped a kid in the face for calling her a furry ( I AINT NAME DROPPING YOU SO DONT BE MAD!) she knows my Wattpad.

i went to the waterpark before school ended, and a girl asked if i was into girls and told me i was pretty, and that was in my head for 2 days straight. i could only tell my friends because my family is homophobic and im bisexual ( oh shit)



also, i went back to the water park again about 2 or 3 days ago and some people were making out and tounge kissing at the deep end ( im so sorry for giving you that mental image. it was very discusting) also my crazy-as-fuck step family was there too, and a life guard told them to stop horseplaying at the deep end...

those crazy ass motherfuckers started yelling at him for no reason. i know i dont like them either. bruh my step sis and step cousin are only 13 year olds and they fucking vape. their mom/aunt even gave them FUCKING WEED TO SMOKE! BITCH! THEIR NOT EVEN IN FUCKING HIGH SCHOOL! WHAT THE FUCK ARE YOU DOING TO YOUR KIDS! 

sorry, i had to rant. thats not good. back to the waterpark my older stepcousin ended up getting kicked out at about 6 and we all left. 

anyway, that's kinda all.

OH WAIT! remember that bitch ass mother fucker dean ( im just in the mood to cuss ok? im sorry if i come off too strong), him and his cousin started insulting me for no reason on snapchat. i blocked them both. i really hate dean, with a passion. i could very well drop their snap names right here right now. hehehehehehehe

im not going to though. that'd be a violation. anyway, thats the end. byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee

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