my first day

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first of all, im sorry i didn't do another yupdate yesterday

second, i hate school



so, i walked into school after being driven there cuz apparently the bus is leaving earlier now

(so i stood at the bus stop for over 15 minutes for no reason)

so, i found my locker, and my bestie, and went to the gym.

and we were supposed to stand next to our 1st period teachers, and this lady was showing everyone where to stand. and i asked her where the science teacher's line was and she said she didn't know

off to a great start :)

(btw, i got 5 hours of sleep so yeah)

so i stood there for a mintue, and someone else came up to her and asked her where the science teacher's line was, and she pointed.

so i ask her, and she still says she has no clue



you clearly have a clue.


so yeah i find his line, we got to science, badabingbadabam

so the teacher's talking about random crap, rules, etc

then we play some games where we have to be quiet

first, we see who's shortest to tallest, me being the second/third tallest girl

then we do birthdays

then we do telephone with our hands

and then we go to our next class

well, everyone else does. im trying to find where the AG room is

so i go to the office and ask the lady there

she looked at my schedule, and realized that it was super messed up

apparently, i had no 2nd period and 3 5th periods

so they changed it, and then i had P.E

it was pretty noice

had the same people i had with science

and we did this thing where we did rock paper scissors (the gym teacher did some whole story about RPS being in his family, which wasn't true obviously) and whoever won got to 'hype up' the other one and tell everyne about the other's summer

everyone got in pairs, and i was with the gym teacher cuz i didn't wanna be with the weird annoying kid, so when it was his turn to hype my summer up, he had me come up to the front, and everyone snap a bunch. then hyped up my summer while i stood there embarrased and smiley as hell

so then we got to AG, and that's ok ig

then we do lunch, and i sat with my besties

then we did Language arts stuff, which was alright i guess

then math

then social studies, where i was called short for the 5th time otday by this one bitch

and i also learned my SS teacher has a brother that plays MC, which is noice

then study hall, which was amazing

i got to test my unblockers out, only 2 of them worked out of a lot

apparently we can eat and listen to music, which is also nice

then homeroom, which was ok

then i went home

and now im here

and ye




sorreh, idk what to put here

'my writing is average cuz ✨procrastination ✨'

me, 2022

anyway, byeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeesdfgfghjdsdghjfghdfhjsg

also, gt ep MIGHT be today, so im gonna try to remember to do a thing on that

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