Chapter One

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Summary: Mike's and Maria's marriage is falling apart. Maria is hurt, both physically and mentally. And just when it looks like there's no hope for her, a certain someone comes to save her.

This is just something random I came up with.

This takes place shortly after John Cena and Nikki Bella broke off their engagement.

I do not own anything.

John is sitting on his couch, watching tv, flipping through channels, while eating some take out Chinese food in his West Newbury home.

It had been a couple of weeks after he and Nikki broke off their engagement. He still feels guilty about it. But he knew it was for the best for both of them.

He's slowly but surely trying to get himself back together. About a week of not leaving the house he gained ten pounds. He knew he needed to get back into shape so he had three straight days of workouts. His body is still sore.

He kept watching tv till his doorbell rang. He looked at the time and saw it was just ten minutes past ten.

He groaned as he got up off the couch and put on his over sized coat, as it had been raining for the past couple of hours.

He opened the door, and he saw a woman holding a baby, who was crying. He also saw a suitcase next to her. John was confused. "Can I help you ma'am?"

"John! Please help us!" the woman exclaimed. John's eyes went wide as he recognized the voice. "Maria Kanellis?" he wondered. She shivered. "Come on. Get inside. I'll get your luggage." John ordered.

After they were all inside, Maria took a seat on John's couch, holding her daughter close. John came back with a couple of blankets.

He wrapped one around her and her daughter. "You want me to make you something hot to drink?" John asked. "Some tea would be nice." Maria replied, managing a small smile.

He smiled back and headed to the kitchen.

He still couldn't believe Maria was in his house right now. It had been years since he last saw her, before she left WWE.

"I'm sorry for barging in so late. But I had no where else to go." she replied. "Don't worry about it. I just couldn't leave you out there in the rain. Plus its nice to have some company."

A few minutes went by before John returned with a cup of tea. She took a sip and sighed. After a few moments of silence John took a deep breath. "So what brings you here? And where's your husband Mike?"

Maria started sobbing. John wrapped his arms around her, while at the same time being careful not to crush Maria's child. She cried for a few moments before releasing her. "What's wrong Maria?" John asked.

"Sorry. But tonight's been a rough night." she said softly. He raised an eyebrow. "What do you mean? What happened?"

"We were staying at a hotel, because he was scheduled to appear in an Indie show event. Anyways, he went out to the bar while I stayed in the room to take care of Fredricka." "When he came back, he was stumbling, struggling to get to the door. That's when I realized he had too much to drink." she said.

She took a couple of deep breaths before continuing. "And then once we were inside, he started getting in my face, calling me names. Saying I was worthless. And once she started crying, he started yelling at me for waking her up. He wouldn't stop, no matter how hard I tried. And then he..." Maria stopped before she started crying again.

He held her again. "It's okay. You don't have to tell me. You've had a rough night." he said.

After a few minutes Maria pulled away and looked into John's eyes. "Can I sleep here for tonight?" she asked. "Sure." he said. "Let me lead you two to the guest bedroom." Since Maria had to carry Fredricka John offered to carry her suitcase to the room.

"So let me know if you need anything. No matter what time." John said. Then out of nowhere Maria stood on her tippy toes and planted a soft kiss on his cheek. "Thank you John." she replied softly. "Nu- No problem." John stuttered.

'Well I better change and go to bed. Goodnight." she said. "Yeah goodnight." John said back before shutting the door.

After changing into a tee shirt and sweats he brushed his teeth he took a seat on his bed. He hadn't expected Maria to kiss him. Even if it was on the cheek. The only other time they kissed was when they were preparing for a mixed tag team match against Edge and Lita. And that was over twelve years ago!

He hated to admit that he still had a tiny, tiny little crush on her. Even during the time he was dating Nikki. But he told himself that she was married. And that he really hope things will be better for them tomorrow.

He yawned, and saw it was almost one in the morning. He kissed his dog tag and went off to sleep.

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