Chapter Nineteen

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Here is the next chapter

Maria was slowly waking up. She tried to move but couldn't. Her eyes suddenly popped open. She realized she was tied up to a chair. She felt pain all over her body.

She then sees Trish in the same predicament, unconscious. "Trish." Maria said weakly as she felt her left jaw in pain. It felt like it was dislocated. "Trish. Please wake up." she pleaded, but Trish stayed motionless.

"Please let us go!" Maria tried to shout but ended up coughing up blood.

Then he saw a shadowy figure, and she felt terrified. She see's her former husband with a big smile on his face. "How are you babe?" Mike teased. "Where's Fredricka?" she asked.

"She's ok." he replied. A few moments went by before Maria pleaded "Please let me see her." He walked up to her and back handed her in the face, then leaned his face close. "Don't you ever tell me what to do you ungrateful bitch." he said softly, making Maria quiver in fear. "You're going to regret leaving me. And taking my daughter away from me." he added.


"Where are they?" John replied to himself softly, obviously frustrated. "Nothing from police yet." Jeff said, pacing back and forth. Both men barely slept. It had been a few days since Trish and Maria was reported missing.

"I swear to god, if that bastard kills my wife, I'm going to-" Jeff angry exclaimed before John stopped him. "Calm down Jeff. Trish wouldn't want you to get all rilled up. She needs you to stay strong for her. The police will find them alive." John replied calmly.

Another ten minutes went by before there was a knock on the door. "It must be the police." Jeff said. It wasn't the police. "Randy? What are you doing here?" Jeff asked.

"Stacy and the others asked me to give them a lift here." "Wait. Who else is with you?" "Lita and Torrie are here too."

Randy and the three ladies came in.

"I'm so worried about them both." Stacy replied. "Me too. I just can't imagine what that disgusting animal is doing to them." Torrie said, shivering.

"He better not kill them, or I swear to god..." Lita growled.

"Calm down. It won't do any good to get rallied up." Torrie said. Lita seemed to relax a little.

About an hour went by before there was a knock on the door. John got up and opened it, and saw a woman. "Can I help you ma'am?" John asked.

The lady showed her badge. "I'm Detective Smith. I work for the WNPD." she replied. "What is it?''

"We need you and Jeff Hardy to come to the police station." she said. "Okay."

Both John and Jeff went with Detective Smith with Randy and the other not far behind.

Detectives showed both John and Jeff some photos. "We have some undercover officers outside the building. They said they saw a couple of males carrying a couple of lifeless bodies into the building. We believe them to be Mike Bennett and Matt Hardy."

"How come the cops haven't gone in there and bust them?" Jeff asked, clearly frustrated. "We don't want to risk the possibility of putting both women in greater danger than they already are. Mike and Matt are both unpredictable. If we go in there they might get spooked. And from there there's no telling what they might do."


Both Mike and Matt are sitting on chairs drinking beer. "Hey. Thanks for your help man. I'm glad to have my daughter back."

"It's no problem man." "I can't believe that bitch Maria had the audacity to take my daughter from me. Now I understand why you left Lita."

Mike noticed Matt tensed up. "Hey. What's the problem?" he asked. Matt took a quick glance at him. "Nothing man. I just don't ever want to hear that name again."

"I should go check in on the ladies." Mike said getting up. "Wait. I'll go check on them. You deserve the a break." Matt offered. Mike just sits back down.

About five minutes later Mike heard some shouting. He went back in the room and saw Matt holding his hand. "What happened?" he wondered.

"This bitch bit me." Matt growled. Mike walked up to Maria and grabbed her by her throat. "You think you could do whatever you want here and you think you could get away with it?"

"Fuck you Mike!" Maria exclaimed despite with a dislocated jaw. "What did you just say?" he demanded. "I. Said. Fuck. You. Mike." she repeated with a grin.

Mike back hands her. "Oh. I'm going to make you pay for that." Mike said reaching in his pocket, and took out a knife. A look a horror on Maria's face.

He cuts the binds on Maria's wrists. Then he yanks her up by her arm and put the knife to her neck. "You try to do anything, and I'll slice you up. You understand me?" he replied softy in Maria's ear.

She simply nodded. Mike led her to the other room. "Oh I should've done this a long time ago." he replied.

"You took everything from me." he replied as he slowly walks over to her as she tries to back away from him. "After everything I've done for you and our baby girl." "And this is how you repay me." "By running away and kidnapping my daughter."

Maria's back hit the wall. She stood up, not knowing what to do. He grabs her by the neck and pointed the knife to Maria's stomach. "You deserve to die bitch." Mike hissed.

Before he could strike though he felt some poke him on the head. "Drop the knife, and get down on your knees."

He turned around and saw it was Matt pointing a gun at him. "What do you think you're-" he get clocked in the head from the gun and is knocked down on the ground.

"Suspect secured. MOVE! MOVE!" Matt shouted into his coat. A swarm of officers entered the building as Matt was handcuffing Mike. "Trish is in the other room." Matt replied.

Matt got up off of Mike and walked over to Maria taking off his coat, and Maria saw he had a badge on. "We need paramedics here now." he said into his walkie talkie.

"It's ok. You, Trish, and your daughter are safe now."

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