Chapter Five

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Here is the fifth chapter.

John winced in pain as he got up out of bed. It had been a few days since John got hit from behind. He had been taking it easy. The only kind of exercise he's been doing was jogging and power walking.

He fixes himself some oatmeal and sat on the couch. After taking some bites his phone started to ring. He picked it up and saw it was his mother.

"Hey mom." John said. "Oh my god John! You're father and I were so worried about you!" his mother said. "When Randy told us you were at the hospital we called the hospital but they said you had already left."

"Yeah. Sorry about that. They cleared me yesterday afternoon." John replied. "Hold on. Your father wants to speak to you."

"Hey son. How's your head?" John Sr asked. "It's feeling a little better. I've been taking some pain medication three times a day." John said. "How are things at home?" he then asked. "It's really been cold the past few weeks. But other than that things are going pretty good." his father said.

They chatted for a few more minutes when he heard his phone beeping. "Someone's calling me. I'll talk to you later. Love you." they said their goodbyes and he hung up.

He was surprised to see Maria was calling him. "Hey Maria." "Oh god John! I'm so glad you're okay." she said. "Of course I am. Why wouldn't I be?"

"When I heard what happened, I was so worried." Maria pleaded. "There's nothing to worry about. I've dealt with much worse before."

She lets out a sigh of relief. "Do you know who attacked you?" she asked. John suddenly felt nervous. He took a deep breath and said "I don't know. I wasn't able to get a good look at the guy."

"I gotta go. I'm going to take Fredricka with me to have lunch with Trish. Anyway. I hope you get better, and I'll talk to you later." she said.

As much as he want to tell her what he believes he knows, he didn't want to hurt her feelings or anger her. Also he didn't think she would've believed him.


"Hey Mike. I'm taking Fredricka to have lunch with Trish." she replied giving Mike a kiss. She started to walk away before Mike grabbed her by the wrist and pulled her back roughly and brought her face close to his. "You better be back real soon. Or else you and I are gonna have problems." he growled.

"I'll only be gone for a couple of hours." she says softly, feeling afraid. She walks away, feeling his glare on her.

Trish sees Maria come out of the house with Fredricka in her arms. "So you ready to go girl?" "Yeah I'm ready. Let's go."

Sometime later

"So Jeff stubbed his toe on the chair. And he threw a hissy fit. But he made up for it by buying me chocolates." Trish replied as she and Maria were each having a salad.

They ate for a few more minutes before Maria broke the silence by asking "Did you hear about what happened to John Cena?" Trish looked up. "Yeah. I heard." she replied.

The way Trish said it made Maria suspicious. "What's that suppose to mean?" she asked. Trish's eyebrows went up. "Excuse me?" "What did you mean that you heard?"

"Me and Jeff went over to the hospital to see how he was doing. He said he got hit from behind in the parking lot. The guy that attacked him also threatened him." Trish replied.

Maria's eyes went wide. "I spoke to John earlier today. He never said anything about someone threatening him." "He didn't tell you?" Trish asked. Maria shook her head. "He also didn't tell you who did it?" Trish added. "No."

"It was Mike." Okay. Maria was beyond shocked. "What?" she wondered. "He hit John over the head and basically told him to stay away from you and your daughter." Trish replied.

"Mike is my sweetheart. He would never-" Maria stopped when she heard her phone ringing and saw it was her husband calling her.

"Hi babe."

"I want you two to come home right now." he says, sounding upset.

"Why? It hasn't even been an hour yet." she weakly protested.

"You better not make me come all the way over there!"

"Yes dear. We'll be home soon." she says before hanging out.

"Something wrong Maria?" Trish asked, a little concerned.

"Sorry Trish. I have to go." Maria replies as she took her daughter and left the restaurant.

Once she made it back home she put Fredricka in her crib and put her to sleep. She was walking down the hall only to get grabbed and pulled into the bedroom.

She was thrown to the bed and her clothes were ripped off, and before she knew it she was naked. She gasped in fear when Mike is hovering on top of her, also naked grinning.

Maria gasped and sobbed as he was having aggressive sex with her, hitting her every time she made a noise he didn't like.

After he was done he got up off of her and got dressed and said "I'm gonna go for a drive. You better have dinner ready by the time I'm back."

After he left Maria struggled to the bathroom because of how shaky her legs were, not bothering to put her clothes back on. She splashed some cold water on her face and looked at the mirror.

She backed away until her back was pressed against the wall. She sits down and started crying uncontrollably.

"What am I going to do?" she asked herself. "I love Mike so much. But I don't know how much more of this I could take." she added.

There was the fifth chapter. Let me know what you thought of it.

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