Chapter 3

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"Sam honey, what are you doing on the floor?" My mom said, getting clearly pissed and annoyed at the same time.

"Oh I um, slipped.......and um, yeah." I replied back smiling. I didn't know what to do! I should have thought this through more. Ugh!

"Well are you alright? What happened? I heard a bang and you screamed and you were in their for almost twenty minutes not answering me? Please tell me your not hurt, just please tell me your ok!" Questions streamed out of my moms mouth. As you see she's kinda over protective of me. Be home by 8 on school nights and 10 on weekends or summer. No swearing, no hair dying, no anything like that.

"Mom calm down." I said calmly. "Im fine."

"Are you sure?" She said, obviously not convinced. I nodded yes. "Alright well, go to your room. You know your in trouble for swearing. Im letting the first time go because you just very startled, not that I know why, but their was no reason to swear at me that second time." See, she's sooo strict. I now noticed she was waiting for me to get up and I then remembered, haha, that I couldn't! Why? Because I had a freaking tail instead of legs.

"Oh um, I will but first I have to go to the bathroom. K, mom?" I said, hoping to god that she believed me. "Just shut the door on your way out."

"Ok. Just don't scare me like that again." She said, then left. Jesus Christ, what was I going to do? How will I get rid of this....this, thing? I just sat their and began to daydream about how excited I was for summer. I hardly noticed the slight cramping pain and the feeling of legs instead of a tail coming back to me. When I finally realized what had happened I stood up.Why had it gone away now. But then I realized it. The answer was simple. On every movie, tv show, book, youtube video about mermaids, the tails always went away when the person was dry. But that can't be true mermaids dont excist. Are you kidding me? Im forcing myself to believe their not real after what just happened. I have issues.

Later that night while I tried to sleep, I thought of everything that had happened over the last couple of weeks and it all made sense. The symmetrical cuts on my neck wern't cuts. They were gills. And the white spots on my legs were not dirt, they were some type of scale things. How is this possible? Theres no way this really happened I convinced myself. There. It never happened. I sighed and tried to go back to sleep. But telling myself it didnt happen wasn't enough so I came up with another idea.

It was about 11:00 PM, on the same day that terrible thing had happened, when I slipped out of my back door into the night.I went down the the small shore in my backyard and slipped my clothes off quietly. Then I stepped into the water and stood their. Nothing happened. See? I told myself. Now don't you feel stupid standing naked in your back yard at eleven PM. But before I knew it that unassuring cramping pain came and I fell to the ground, the waves lapping up to my knees. Oh god. I started brething heavy and saw bright spots in my vision. I was having a panic attack! I told myself to calm down and that everything would be ok. I sat their for a while not knowing what to do. Then I felt something, kind of, pulling me. I suddenly wanted to go to the ocean and I began pulling myslef forward, my heavy tail slowing me down. I was almost fully in the water and I felt my neck feel slightly relieved as the slits opened up. When I was finally in the water I felt unsure about this. What if the tail was to heavy and I get pulled down or what if II just can't do it? No, I was on the A swim team and I knew I was good. I have enough upper body strength for this. I launched myself into the water and it was a good time for me to do this because the waves were pretty calm.

I was going to swim my favorite stroke, back stroke but I then remembered I had no legs. I decided that I would have to do dolphin kick because thats basically like a how a mermaid would swim. I was good at dolphin kick but not as much as the other strokes because I have always been more of a "No thanks I swim with two legs" person and not a "Oh yeah doplphin kick because Im a narwhal" person. I have never really like dolphin kick that much if you couldn't tell, but suprisingly it came very natural to me now and even though my tail was sooo heavy I was able to hold my weight and swim. I was able to hold my breath suprisingly longer than usual too. The only thing was thirst. I was tired from swimming and I needed water but you could die from drinking sea water. Then again nothing makes sense anymore. SO I took a small gulp and it tasted just like regular water but the weird thing was while I swallowed I watched a salt and sand sprinkle out of the slits in my neck. So thats what they were for. I couldn't breath under water but thet filtered it so I could drink. I swam for almost two hours before I decided I had to go to sleep. I dragged myself out of the water and layed their till I dried off. As I walked back to my house there was one thing I was sure of.

I was a mermaid, no doubt about it.


I think this chapter was pretty good and now I have to think of the next one! 0.0

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