Chapter 4

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The next day was swim practice and I had no idea what to do. I'll admit last night was fun, but I still couldn't sleep because I knew that swimming was done for me. I cried my eyes out. Why did this stupid thing have to happen to me? Swimming was my life. It was the only sport I was actually good at. And I was really really good at it and everyone knew it too. I didn't want to quit. Maybe it won't happen. Maybe I won't turn into a mermaid? Yeah. Maybe it only works in fresh water, like the ocean! But then how do I explain the bath tub? What am I going to do? Questions were filling up my mind and it felt like my brain was going to explode. Then suddenly I had an idea. Im going to pretend Im sick. I got out some oatmeal, rotten eggs from the garbage, and some other weird crap and mixed it all together. After that I went into the bathroom poured a little in and on the toilet and the rest on my shirt and the floor around me but left a little bit in the pot.

"Mom!" I screamed, trying to sound upset. "Mom I don't think I can go t-" I cut myself off and finished pouring the mixture everywhere for sound effects, then hid the pot behind the toilet. I hope to god this works, I thought.

"Sam!" My mom said. "Are you alright? You can't go to swim practice is right! Your sick! Go lay down, I'll clean this up."

"Thanks mom." I said, enthused about how well this plan had worked. I have to right this down for other times. My mom still had to go to work so when she left I was free to leave bed, but for now I had to lay down. My mom came in the room and said she had to leave.

"Bye mom." I said. I waited till I heard the garage door close and a car pull away. I was about to get up when my phone went off. It was Julia. Oh no, how was I supposed to tell my friend what was going on? I answered the phone.

"Hey Sammy! Ok so I was thinking we can head to the mall and then afterwards have a sleepo-" I cut her off.

"I can't today, Im sick." There was silence on the phone.

"oh ok, bye um I hope you feel better." She said dissapointed.

"Yeah, sorry, bye." I said. She then hung up. Wow. That was awkward. I can't believe I had forgotten, me and Julia always did something almost everyday during the summer and I bet it was really hard for her to believe I was sick.

Well now I was really starting to feel sick. I guess I couldn't leave the house or anything, but I could get up. So I thought about what I could do. I guess I could go for a swim. I suddenly felt eager about going for a swim. It is pretty fun. I hop out of bed and run down the stairs, skipping them two at a time.

My feet skidded to a halt at the sliding glass doors. There it was, my destination and now one of my favorite places to be, the ocean. I opened the door and ran out. I stand at the shore, letting the water go up to my toes.

Well in case you didn't notice im really dumb and I forgot to take my pajamas off. I don't think one drop of water will phase me, but this was all the way up to my ankles. I fall to the ground and as I realize my pajamas are still on I begin to freak out. I quickly start trying to pull of my pajamas, but my my whole entire body is locked up and I can't move like I usually can't when this happens. I try to calm down and tell myself nothing will happen and I can transform like usual, but I know something will go wrong. Im pretty sure that when I transform I just sit their stunned like this for about ten minutes while a tail forms, but this time it went a little different. I felt the same cramp except a hundred times worse. It burns like hell. I look down and see that there is no tail forming just bumps on my legs, where scales should be. I still have pajamas though. It hurts so much, but I try to stay strong. Were these some kind off ingrown scale thingies from wearing pants? I dig my finger nails into my palms. My neck sweats so bad that Im glad my hair is short. Finally I black out.

I wake up and Im on the shore. My legs still hurt like shit. I try with all my might and I some how succeed. I stumble, seeing double vision, trying to find my way to the door. I fall down a couple times, but manage to get up. I stumble into the house, almost tripping over my own feet. I have a terrible head ache and I feel like Im going to throw up even though Im starved. I walk up the stairs and into my room and lay down on my bed. I then black out. Again.

I wake up in a room with white walls and tile floor. I look over and see my mom sitting in a chair besides a big window.

"Sam! Your finally awake!" She said eagerly.

"Mom, what happened? My whole body hurts, especially my legs." I say.

"Oh honey just go back to sleep, I'll explain everything once you have your sorts and get some rest." She replies. I lay back and close my eyes, falling into a deep sleep with the most intense dream I have ever had.

So theres this mermaid. Shes swimming somewhere out in the middle of the ocean. The way she swims makes me want to cry. She is graceful, but with determination, sure she will get to what ever she is seeking. I can tell her destination is important, but it will take a while to get there. In the back ground  she is swimming away from an elegant place and the main place that catches my eye is the huge elegant palace although she never looks back at it. Her red hair flows all the way down a little past her thighs and its wavy and beautiful. She makes a turn and I finally see her face. The full on determination in her emerald eyes. The only thing is, this mermaid is me.

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