Part 2

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Tw: sick parent/talking ab abuse/ panic attack

You wake up in roses bed, alone. You walk out of the room to find someone and eventually find Scarlett cooking breakfast while chatting with rose

"Y/n! Your awake!" Rose screams excitedly and runs to go hug. You laugh and hug her back.

"Mom is making pancakes!" Rose says and you smile at her.

"Rose why don't you watch a movie or something, if your okay with it y/n I'd like to talk to you"

"Yeah okay!" Rose says and leaves the room and you sit down at one of the bar stools.

"Honey are you okay? Can you tell me what happened?" Scarlett says while stil making pancakes

"Mama isn't doing well"
You almost whisper
"And dad is blaming me for it"
You again whisper almost starting to cry,

Scarlett drops the spatula and stops cooking and sits infront of you

"What do you mean with blaming you?"
"I-I don't- h-he just gets m-mad"
Scarlett gives you a hug

"Do You want to stay here for a while?"
You nod
"But if it causes any trouble then you should-"
"We've talked about this y/n, you are no trouble okay?"
"C-can we visit my mom today?"
"Yeah ofcourse, I love you kiddo"
You hug Scarlett
"I love you two"

"Rose breakfast is ready!" Scarlett screams to the living room.

Rose comes running in and sits down next to you. You both eat breakfast.

"Okay so todays planning, so after breakfast we are all getting dressed, then we'll go visit y/n's mom in the hospital and we go shopping. And maybe go out for dinner after does that sound okay to you?"

Scarlett looks at you knowing rose wil love it

"I would love that!" you say!
"Me to!" Rose says
"Great! Now let's get dressed shal we?"

You get dressed:

And you walk back downstairs, You all get In the car and get inside

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And you walk back downstairs,
You all get In the car and get inside. When you are in the hospital your mom is sleeping, you sit next to her and just look at her. After a few minutes she wakes up.

"Hi sweetheart" she says weakly
"Hi mom!"
"Who brought you here honey?"
"Scarlett and rose, they are getting some drinks"
Right then they walk in and everyone smiles at eachother.

"Y/n honey, did you hear anything from your father?"
"N-no, he left me yesterday"
"I assume Scarlett picked you up"
You nod
"I need to go to the toilet il be back" you say
"Oh me two!" Rose says
And together you walk out talking and giggling
"Thank you " you mother says
"She's okay right?" Scarlett asks
"I need to tell you something"
"Im not going to be here in a few days, but you have to take care of her. Her dad, he has been abusing her her whole life. I tried to protect her but when I got sick I couldn't anymore. The abuse has been getting worse since then. And I'm afraid he's really going to hurt her bad when i die. He's been blaming her for everything"
"Oh y/n" Scarlett sighs
"I wil do everything in my power to help her you have my word on that"

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