Part 4

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"We have to leave now" they say guiding you to the front door
"NO PLEASE GET OF OF ME I CANT DO THIS SCARLETT HELP ME!" You cry trying to kick yourself out of their grip
"I TOLD YOU , I CANT DO THIS AGAIN, I CANT DO THIS AGAIN!!!" You scream cry while Scarlett tries to grab you but fails and soon the police car with you in it drives away.

Rose walks to Scarlett in tears
"We have to wait until Monday, we have to be in court to safe her" she says crying
They hug eachother tight Scarlett trying to comfort rose while calming herself down.

"She can't do this mom, she will break"
"I-I know" rose cries

You get dropped of at your fathers house. After the police man rings the doorbell he opens the door.

"There you are" he says friendly while the police are stil next to you.
He gets you inside and closes the door.

He grabs you by the arm and you get dragged downstairs.

"Where have you been?!"
"A-at rose's place" you stutter with fear.
"I-I'm sorry dad, I'm really sorry." You say starting to tear up out of fear.
He grabs you by your collar getting your ear close to his face
"I don't care, you know you are paying for this" he whispers aggressively
"W-what are you going to do to me?" you ask him in fear.

But before he says anything he punches you in the eye. You fall to the ground and  he kicks you in the ribs.
"S-Stop" you stutter but he doesn't.


You wake up in a lot of pain, noticing you have passed out. You don't see your dad anywhere. You fall back asleep until you hear loud footsteps.

You flinch and get scared
"Stop whining bitch, I won't hurt you anymore since the court is tomorrow and you can't show up like this or I won't win this whole court bullshit"
He tells you
"W-why are you-"
"You know why, you've made your mom sick. She's dying y/n and it's your fault."
You start crying.
"B-but h-how?" You cry
"The stress your mom got from you is what made her sick. It's your fault."
You cry and sob,

He throws you a bread
"Eat, and don't look so sad, it looks like you are desperate for attention"
You nod sadly.

You eat the bread and pass out again soon after.


You feel someone drag you by the collar. You wake up fully.
"Move, we need to leave soon. We should get some make up and those bruises"

He grabs some concealer and starts covering all your bruises.
"Get up!" He screams
"N-no I - I can't"
"I didn't ask,  get your ass up"

You slowly try moving but it feels like your whole body is falling apart.

He lifts you up so you stand but you fall to the ground again.

"I swear, if you don't get up now!"
You cry hysterically, and soon your make-up starts running down your face

"Great, we are going to be late now."
He drys your face and puts back on your make up.
He again lifts you up.
"If you don't get up and walk, you are not hearing the end of it you hear me?"
You nod.
You slowly get up and bite trough the intens pain.

You get in the car and get to court. You walk in struggling, holding back your tears.

You sit down as far away from
Your father as possible. Soon after you see Scarlett walk in.

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