Part 1

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Scarlett and rose are eating dinner when Scarlett's phone starts ringing
She checks the ID and sees your name

"Sorry rose I've got to take this, it's y/n"
"Is she okay?" She asks
"Il tell you okay?"

Scarlett walks out of the dining room and picks up the phone

"Y/n honey, is everything okay?"
"Uhm could you pick me up?"
"Yes ofcourse what happened honey?"
"I went to the hospital with dad but he got mad so he went home and I don't have a ride"
"Il be there in 10 minutes okay?"
"Sorry" you say feeling guilty for her time
"Don't worry about it sweetheart see you in 10, bye!"
And she hangs up the phone.

Scarlett gets back to the dining room
"Is she okay mom?" Rose asks
"We have to go pick her up okay? Her dad forgot about her again, is that okay with you?"
"Yeah ofcourse, I love that girl. I'm just worried mom."
"I know honey, me two"

They get in the car and ride to the hospital. They see you sitting outside on a bench in the dark and cold,

"Stay here okay honey?"
"Yep!" Rose says
And Scarlett gets out of the car walking to you.
"Y/n!" She slowly walks closer to you and noticed that you fell asleep
She gently shakes your shoulders
"Y/n honey, wake up, oh god your freezing, y/n wake up!"
You slowly open your eyes
"It's Scarlett honey, let's get you home okay?"
Scarlett takes a look at you and takes of her jacket, she lays it over your shoulders and rubs you a little to get you warm.

"Come on little one" she says to you and together you walk towards the car.
She gets you inside and rose hugs you

"Mom she's freezing" rose says
"J-just keep her warm okay rose?"
Rose holds you like you are her little sister until you get home. Scarlett gets you out of the car

"You go get ready for bed okay rosebud?Y/n wil be there soon!"
Rose kisses her mom
"Okay mom! Goodnight"
"Goodnight honey"

Scarlett lays a hand on your back guiding you to the bathroom. She sits you down on the bathtub side and crouches down to you level and starts to observe you

"Y/n honey, can you say something for me?"
You stay quiet, zoning out and shaking
"Alright then, let's get you warm okay?"
She turns on the shower and helps you get under it. She stays in the room next you to give you some privacy but checks up on you regularly to see if your okay. She is reading a book when she hears a soft voice

Scarlett gets into the bathroom and sees you sitting on the bathroom floor completely exhausted.

She walks over to you
"Hey, are you okay?"
"I'm tired"
"Have you brushed your teeth or hair?"
You shake you head
"Okay stay here okay? Il help you"
Scarlett brushes your teeth and hair and she braids it:

She walks over to you "Hey, are you okay?""I'm tired" "Have you brushed your teeth or hair?" You shake you head "Okay stay here okay? Il help you"Scarlett brushes your teeth and hair and she braids it:

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"Your all done honey, let's get you to bed" Scarlett helps you up and guides you to roses room. You get in bed next to her and rose opens her arms. You crawl into her arms and fall asleep almost directly,

"Mom?" Rose whispers
"Yes honey?"
"What happened to her? It doesn't look like her dad just forgot about her"
"I don't know honey, but we will find out okay?"
"Right now we just have to take care of her, but if it ever bothers you just tell me okay?"
"I've known the girl since she was 4, she's basically my sister. I think we will be okay"
"Okay honey" Scarlett say and kisses rose on her forehead
"Sleep wel Honey"
"Goodnight mama"

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