Invisible String

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Tsubaki liked the arboretum near the college library. It was always so quiet and peaceful. Not many people visited, but that was just as well. Tsubaki hated the crowds. Although, funny as it was (and shy as she was) a tiny part of her always secretly hoped she'd meet somebody there...She sat on the emerald grass, opened her journal, and put in her earbuds. Little did she know, halfway across campus, wearing an all-black ensemble, someone else was listening to the exact same song. It was in a record shop, one of the many stores that dotted campus. A radio played overhead as Aoi worked a shift to make a little money, saving up for new musical equipment.

Half an hour later, though, she was off. It was such a lovely day that she decided to roam around campus rather than returning to her dorm. She followed no compasses and no signs, losing track of time as she wandered, but as fate would have it, who should she run into but Tsubaki? Aoi heard her before she saw her. Is someone...singing? They sound so good! And are they singing...Prayer?

Seconds later, Aoi was at the arboretum. Tsubaki was facing away from her, head bobbing to the music. Aoi watched her from behind a nearby tree, a smile slowly spreading across her face. Tsubaki was just as beautiful as her voice. Right at the final verse, though, Aoi finally made her presence known, stepping forward and harmonizing with Tsubaki to make her solo a duet.

Tsubaki shrieked, ripping out her earbuds and turning around so fast Aoi worried she may have given herself whiplash.

"Woah, there, sorry!" Aoi raised her hands and smiled disarmingly. "I didn't mean to scare you, I just realized that you were singing Prayer and I—"

"Oh! You heard that?! I'm so embarrassed!" Tsubaki buried her face in her hands, shaking her head.

"Oh, there's no need for you to be embarrassed!" Aoi tried to reassure her. "You have a lovely voice!"

"Ah, no, no I don't!" Tsubaki moaned, face still buried in her hands. Poor Aoi, not understanding how much her praises were flustering Tsubaki, tried again to reassure the other girl.

"Sure you do! I'm a musician, too, so I can tell when someone's had vocal training! I'm Aoi Miyake, by the way!"

Tsubaki gave a choked whine before hopping up suddenly. "I...I...Ihavetogo!" And before Aoi could stop her, she sprinted away.

"Wait! You forgot your book!" Aoi reached out to her, but it was too late. Aoi sighed unhappily. She hadn't meant to scare the poor girl off. The musician let her eyes drift down to the book. Oh, it wasn't any ordinary book, it was a journal. Aoi's curiosity flared, but she was an honorable woman and only looked at the inside of the cover, hoping to find a name. Tsubaki Aoyagi. A beautiful name for a beautiful girl with a beautiful voice...Well, Ms. Aoyagi, I hope we meet again someday...


Fate was on Aoi's side, it seemed, because she did indeed run into Tsubaki again. Granted, it took a bit of detective work on Aoi's part, trying to track the other musician down again, but the journal offered more clues. Aoi still did not read any more of it than absolutely necessary, but after a quick skim of it, she managed to figure out what year Tsubaki was, and what some of her classes were. One of them, unsurprisingly, was a music class. How funny, song was going to draw them together again, like an invisible string tying them together.

Aoi knew where the music building was, she'd spent so much time there herself. After asking around a little bit longer, she was able to find what time Tsubaki would be there. She met the other girl just as class let out, the faint strains of Prayer still emanating from within the building.


"Aoi?!" She...remembered my name...

Just like the first time, Tsubaki looked seconds away from fleeing in a blind panic. Aoi was quick to hold up Tsubaki's journal. Tsubaki's face drained of color and even though she opened and closed her mouth, no sound came out.

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