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The stinging shame that came from Shadow Weaver's latest insults hurt worse than the stinging pain that came from another long, brutal day training with the Horde. As much as Shadow Weaver's physical and verbal attacks hurt, though, Catra was used to feeling like a nothing. She was used to Shadow Weaver picking on her when she was at her lowest, reminding her once again what a powerless disappointment she was.

Through it all, though, Catra was determined to rise above it; not just the pain, but Shadow Weaver herself. If there was one thing Shadow Weaver didn't know, it was that there was still hope inside of Catra. Even Catra wasn't sure where it came from, but what she did know was that someday, she'd be conquering big, old cities and all Shadow Weaver would ever be was a mean old lady stuck in their Fright Zone.

"Someday, I'll be big enough so you can't hit me," Catra vowed, hissing under her breath as Shadow Weaver continued to berate her. Someday, she would best Shadow Weaver in combat, at her own game. She would far outshine Shadow Weaver in the Horde and surpass her in rank, too. Someday, Catra would prove to the entire Horde that underestimating her was the dumbest thing they ever did.

"If only you could be more like Adora," Shadow Weaver sighed, shaking her head in false dismay. Even though she was genuinely disappointed in Catra for not being as powerful as the other cadet, she secretly relished in watching Catra's ears droop as she said as much. Even if Catra could remain defiant through everything else, a simple reminder that she was still only second best always did the trick.

Adora. Now THERE'S a sticky situation, Catra thought as Shadow Weaver finally stalked off to torment some other poor, helpless soul. Adora was Catra's best friend in the Horde, but constantly being compared to her and always coming out in second place wasn't easy. Ordinarily, Catra would've liked Adora a whole lot less due to Shadow Weaver constantly preferring her over Catra, but Adora was just too kind to hate.

"Someday, Adora, I'm taking you with me!" Catra decided later that night.

"Where?" Adora asked innocently, having no idea what Catra was talking about.

"I'm not sure yet," Catra admitted. "But I can feel it in my bones that someday, I'll be leading this Horde, and I want you by my side when I do!"

Catra had two reasons for this. Of course, the first was that Adora was her best friend. Why wouldn't she want Adora as her right hand when she finally took over the Horde? Secondly, and more secretly, maybe there was a tiny (ok, a slightly larger) side of her that wanted to impress Adora, too. After always being told that she was second best to Adora, Catra wanted nothing more than to prove to Adora that they were equals. What better way to do that than to eventually climb the ranks of the Horde, become the leader, and then have Adora rule as her second-in-command?

And even though Catra had no way of knowing, she was confident that her dream would someday become a reality. Someday, Adora and I will replace Hordak and Shadow Weaver as the new leaders of the Horde and all they're ever going to be is mean!


As confident as Catra was in her dream, though, it seemed as if life itself was determined to be just as cruel to her as Shadow Weaver was. There finally came a day when Adora left the Horde and nothing Catra said or did could bring her back. On the contrary, she tried to convince Catra to join her side. Of course, Catra was beyond furious, hurt, and betrayed.

You, with your switching sides and your wildfire lies and your humiliation!

"I can't believe you're turning your back on everything we've ever known, everything we've ever worked for!" Catra cried, certain that Adora had lost her mind. Maybe she was brainwashed by the enemy? Regardless, she was talking crazy!

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