I Wish You Would

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It was 2 AM, in the car. The windows were down in case whatever Rika consumed earlier that night came back up. The typically-fiery redhead looked out of it. She was out of it. They all were. It wasn't just because of the alcohol either. Ever since she and Saori had a fight a couple weeks ago, all of Merm4id was out of whack. Dalia and Marika did their best to keep the band together, but with their stubborn leader in direct and serious conflict with their insecure and temperamental DJ, it wasn't easy.

Saori drove past her street, headed to Rika's. That was enough to rouse Rika slightly. She sat up a little taller and slowly rotated her head towards Saori, mumbling out words that were jumbled and confused. Their show that night wasn't a total flop, but the crowd could definitely sense that something was wrong between the band members. That affected the rest of the performance, and everyone's groove was a little off. As soon as their performance was done, Rika beelined to the bar and only Dalia, with her great strength, could pry her off the barstool.

"I know we're all tired, disappointed, and frustrated, but drinking so much that we get sick won't help." Her voice was soothing but stern as she carefully carried Rika to someplace quieter and safer. They parted ways at the end of the night, Dalia taking Marika home while Saori took Rika.

"Are you sure you don't want me to...?" Dalia offered, knowing how heavy the tension between Saori and Rika was at the moment.

"No, I got it, it's fine," Saori grunted, brushing past Dalia and not looking her in the eyes as she all but dragged Rika after her.

Now here they were, Rika unable to escape the tension since she was stuck in a car. She was just sober enough to know that something was very wrong here, but too drunk to articulate it in any intelligible way.

"It's fine, Rika," Saori almost snapped. "It's in the past." Her eyes were still pointed straight ahead, she wouldn't meet Rika's.

As soon as Rika finally, awkwardly, stumbled out of the car, waving Saori off when Saori gruffly offered to walk her inside, Saori's shoulders slumped. She hadn't even realized what tension she'd held in them until Rika slammed the car door shut behind her. Saori watched her go. It was as if Rika took all the fire with her, because Saori suddenly felt completely out of energy. She was just...tired, and sad.

"You're thinking that I hate you now 'cause you still don't know what I never said," Saori whispered as Rika finally made it inside, slamming that door closed behind her, too. Now, there was only one thing left for Saori to do: drive home, alone.

Already, Saori wished Rika would come back, not just in body, but in spirit, too. It was something else she never said, but she missed Rika. She didn't like fighting like this. But she, stupidly, hung up the phone on Rika the first time, and it all spiraled out of control from there. Had Saori ruined everything? Destroyed her friendship with Rika, and destroyed Merm4id itself? The thought alone was enough to make her cry. Oh, how Saori wished Rika could be right here, right now. What if I told you it was all good, and that I wish you would?


It was 2 AM, 24 hours later. Headlights passed Saori's window and she noticed that they were almost a yellow-orange in color rather than plain white. Her mind was immediately dragged back to Rika. Their band had a beach theme and Rika was the blazing summer sun on bright golden sand. As far apart as they were now, in body and spirit, Saori still couldn't stop thinking about Rika. She thought back to the day they met.

It was sheer happenstance (destiny, as Rika called it). They met at a local record shop. When Rika realized Saori was into DJing, she forced the other girl to attend a party with her that very night and then proceeded to spend half the time dragging her around everywhere, practically showing her off as if she were a shiny new trophy that Rika recently won. That set the tone for their entire relationship.

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