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I heard growling and footsteps towards me followed by whimpering, it was Nancy getting followed by Vecna.

I waited for the signal but nothing yet, Nancy started fasting up her pace my way as Vecna was telling her how its all her fault and how its time to join him, its like his go to phrase, this barrel was really small concidering there was like 100 pounds of powder. (Idk how much that is so j idk 🤷‍♀️)

The light in my hand started glowing, first glow, i took out my lighter, second glow i got mentally ready and as the third glow goes i open the lid and run out throwing the lighter in the barrel and running away covering my ears as a blast was heard.

Blood splutters everywhere but it wasnt mine nor Nancies, it was Vecnas, that wasnt the only plan incase he survives, el started playing the music that was playing in her so called 'rainbow room' to give the guy inside nostalgia, a portal opens up and me and Nancy start running towards it.

We didnt hear growling but instead a storm, a big red and black storm started forming and the floating house bits started tumbling down, Nancy fell down and i ran back to get her.

Something was on her foot stopping her from standing up, i was too weak to bring her up, i could hear Steve say "its been too long the plan didnt work" that gave me about enough courage to prove hin wrong and grabbed Nancy's waist pulling her all the way out seeing her ankle is broken.

"Thank you" She says and i just nod and start walking to the portal.

When we walked through Nancy disappears from my arms but i stayed, i could see in the portal how Nancy woke up and fell cuz of her ankle but started panicking looking around for me.

As the portal started closing i kept running through but i was stuck, i couldnt get through.

FOR fucks sake do i have to go to eddies trailer?! Thats so far away... and, thats where Eddie died...

When i turned around the storm was way worse and all the red goo under my feet started growing up onto my legs.

When i ran i was pretty sure Vecna was dead because i didnt feel his presence and nothing followed me.

I got onto Nancy's bike in which she came to me on and cycled all the way to Eddies death scene.

I saw a crack in the floor and i instantly felt tears well up in my eyes, i went in his house to get a broom and went back outside, as i started breaking the floor a bat came up to me and bit my leg „AHHH" i screamed as the pain shot through me.

I cant die now, not after all ive done and defienetly not in the same place Eddie did.

I hit the broom through its heart and pushed it off creating a massive hole in the floor and jumping through.

The gate closed and i looked around, it was dark outside, i ran inside Eddies trailer and took the walki-talki.

„steve? Mike? Nancy? Dustin? Anyone? Im alive, im at Eddies trailer over" no anwser.

„Guys im alive at Eddies trailer OVER" still no response, fuck, „y/n?! Were coming, over and out" Dustin says.

I push down the walki-talki antler and sit on Eddies bed.

I look up at his guitar and hold it as if its the most precious thing in the world, „i miss you"

Ok im done with this book it was shit anyways LOL basically Eddies dead, we killed Vecna.

The plan was Nancy wasnt going to listen to music so she gets captired but in thr mean time y/n and Steve went to the upside down and put a barrel full kf explosive powder in the middle of Vecnas home and steve went back so y/n hid in the barrel with a lighter, steve then put an identical barrel in the house (in the normal world) and a light so when nancy was attacked Dustin would make it glow 3 times, first to get ready with the lighter, second to get ready and third for action, obviously Nancy also got attacked in thr pool so she had to ride the bike away from Vecna to where y/n was, idk if its confusing.

The end thank you for reading byeee.

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