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I got dressed into a yellow shirt with a pizza guy on it that i stole from my old friend Argyle, it was pretty big on me but who cares.

I dont know where to meet him, shit, guess i cant go? *doorbell rings* uhm, creepy.

I open the door and see that boy, "hiii, so, were like starting soon so we have to hurry" he says and grabs my hand.

He drags me out of my house and runs down the road to our school, "how did you know where i live?" "Your neighbours with mike" "who?" "Ill show you".

"By the way whats your name?" I ask, "eddie, you?" "Y/n" he smiles and walks into the classroom.

„Dustin did you set up the board?" „Yes" „alright y/n and... ??" „Erica" „right, listen this is a D&D club, not a babysitting club" the little girl snaps back harshly „im 11 you long haired freak" i laugh and he looks at me embarassed, he just smiles and shakes her hand.

We get to the game and i realise, this isnt satanic, these are literally just children playing a boardgame.

I dont know what an 18 year old (me) is doing playing games with 14 year olds but uhh okay.

I wonder how old Eddie is.

After the game everyone goes home and Eddie offers to walk me home so i agree.

„So, did you like it?" „Hm? Ye it was interesting" i nod smiling a little, he notices and stops walking, „you ok eddie?" I stop to check on him.

„Yeah sorry" he puts his hand on my shoulder and indicates to keep walking, „uhm y/n?" „Yes?" „How old are you?" „18, what about you?" „Im 19" he smiles.

„Oh are you okay?" His smile drops grabing my shoulders and wiping something under my nose, „uhm yeah why?" „Your nose is bleeding" „oh" i wipe the blood off.

„Weird, its nothing, probably just from the headaches ive been having for the past two days" i smile and he looks concerned.

„Honestly its nothing Eddie dont worry" i walk and he just follows.

We talk about random stuff we like, for example music, clothing, i dont know those type of stuff.

„Well i had a great time with you" „me too, we should do this more often" eddie smiles and nods agreeing with me.

I go home and the next day is the same, i hang out with Eddie at lunch with the others, but, all of a sudden, i heard a grandfather clock ticking, i never knew this school had them, weird, i turn around and theres one in the storage room thats slightly open, why would they have a grandfather clock there? I got knocked out of the trance with Eddie snapped his fingers in front of my eyes.

"You okay?" "Ye i was just looking at that clock, why do they keep it in the storage room?" "What... what clock?" He asks even more concerned, i heard Dustin giggle and i glared at him making him look away.

"Whhat do you mean what clock?" I grab his hand and drag him to the dtorage room, but the clock was gone.

"What the fuck" "what?" I heard the door close shut and Mike laughing while Dustin was telling him to not do it.

"For fucks sake they locked us in" he says angrily slapping the door "open the door Mike" he says but nothing was heard.

He finds the light and turns it on, "those stupid little punks man" he groans and walks up to me.

"What clock where you talking about" "i swear i saw one here, and i heard it, it was very loud i doubt you would miss it" he grabs my cheeks and shakes my head.

"Theres nothing ehre your just imagining stuff" but suddenly he was gone... and it was dark, i was back at my old school, PLEASE NO!!  I BEG NOT HERE!!!

"GET ME OUTT!! NO NO HOW AM I HERE? EDDIE?! EDDIEEEE HELP"  i scream for help but he doesnt come.

"Its your time" "What?! NO ITS NOT GO AWAY" i run and run i got out of the school.

"Y/N HELLO?!!? STOP THIS PLEASEE I DONT LIKE ITTTT" i hear Eddie screaming.

I open my eyes and fall into his arms, "EDDIE EDDIE OMG PLEASE DONT LEAVE AGAIN" i breathe in heavily, he grabs me closely asking what the fuck just happened.

"there was a monster, and he said its my time" "your eyes rolled up i was so scared" Eddie says hugging me really tight.

"WHAT IS HAPPENING HERE?!" A teacher screams and we let go off eachother, "im sorry miss, someone locked us in" "well get out" and we do.

That day i got home and just started listening to my favourite music non-stop, if it helped with the headaches it must help with this.


Bro are we about to die?!??

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