(Y/N) And Saiki's Unbreakable Bond.

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Narrators POV.

After about ten years, (Y/N) has gotten to know Saiki bit by bit as she had grown up to be beautiful and cute. However she is oblivious and unaware of Saiki's powers, which Saiki doesn't want (Y/N) to figure out just yet.

Meanwhile Saiki knows everything there is to know about (Y/N). He knows everything about what she loves, what she hates and does what any normal yandere would do. Stalk her, either normally, by turning invisible or using Astral projection. He had memorized (Y/N)s routine, how she wakes up in the morning, gets changed into fashion like clothing. Has breakfast, gets dropped off at one of her photo shoots, goes back home, has lunch, does private lessons. Then have dinner, free time and then bed time. Not that he needed to memorise her routine since he mostly stalks her using clairvoyance so it doesn't matter.

"Saiki kun!, guess what, I'm going to the same school as you!".

(Y/N) called out as she started running towards Saiki. She is wearing a (F/C) shoulder less long sleeved dress, (F/C) heels and has a (F/C) (F/F) (Favorite flower) in her loose (H/L) hair. Today she had a photo shoot at the park and spotted Saiki nearby, she had decided to give him the good news. Saiki on the inside was ecstatic to hear about it, it means he can keep a closer eye on her and he prefers it than letting her go to a different school where he is apart from her.

"That is good to hear (Y/N)".

Saiki spoke telepathically as (Y/N) hummed and started walking with Saiki down the pathway towards an all too familiar playground full of children.

"Oh Saiki, do you remember when we first met here?, ah that was the good times-".

(Y/N) started ranting as Saiki nodded.

'I will never forget how you came into my life, I refuse to be apart from you'.

Saiki spoke telepathically to himself as (Y/N) continued to talk a lot to Saiki, who just nodded and listened to (Y/N).

Eventually they made it to Saiki's home, (Y/N) had made a call to her parents, saying that she is going to spend time with Saiki for the rest of the evening. Her mother agreed as she liked Saiki and his parents.

"Finally your here, oh hello (Y/N), it's good to see you".

Saiki and (Y/N) had approached Saiki's dad, Kuniharu, who had been locked out of his house by Saiki's mother, Kurumi. Saiki had instantly unlocked the door. Which (Y/N) was distracted by Saiki's dad. Saiki had gestured for (Y/N) to go inside his house first. He had stopped his dad from entering before him as he followed (Y/N) behind.

"Hello Mrs Saiki, it's so good to see you, how have you been?".

"I've been good, come in come in, your always welcomed to call me Kurumi".

Saiki shook his head as his mother had moved aside for the two to come through, deciding to ignore his parents as an arguement broke out. He brought (Y/N) into the living room, making an excuse that he has to 'clean' his room. (Y/N) took the bait and agreed since she didn't want to intrude on his privacy.

Saiki made it to his room and had a lot of pictures of (Y/N) on his walls and a few pocessions owned by (Y/N) on his desk. He managed to hide it all in his closet as he didn't want (Y/N) to find his collection of her when they come up here later.

'Right, that should be all of it, I can't bare to think what she'll think when she sees this'.

Saiki thought to himself as he went downstairs to go spend time with (Y/N). He may know everything about her but he likes getting to know her personally by spending time with her. Plus it will lower the suspicious levels of him knowing more than he should to (Y/N).

"Saiki, there you are, your mother had told me to come get you for dinner".

(Y/N) said as Saiki only nodded at (Y/N)s words as he joined her at the dinner table.

(Y/N) and Saiki were eating together like always as Saiki's parents were arguing like it was an endless war in the background. (Y/N) became concerned as Saiki had became worried. Sure (Y/N) got used to his parents being weird whenever she comes over for the past ten years. However, he didnt want his parents to leave a bad impression on (Y/N)s parents once he asks for (Y/N)s hand in marriage one day.

"Yare Yare, come on (Y/N), we will go eat in my room".

Saiki spoke telepathically again as (Y/N) looked at Saiki curiously but nodded nonetheless.

The two had carried their dinner to Saiki's room as they ate in peace. Well if you ignore the arguments downstairs that are caused by Saiki's parent.

"So Saiki, are you excited for the school we are attending, PK Academy am I right?".

(Y/N) asked as Saiki nodded, still eating while listening to (Y/N)s thoughts.

'Eeek, me and Saiki are going to the same school together!, this is going to be great'.

(Y/N) thought as Saiki shook his head sideways and pursued eating notheless as he continued to listen to her thoughts.

'You are so precious (Y/N), I promise I will protect you from anyone who tries to take you from me'.

Is all Saiki thought as he listened to (Y/N) silently. Soon he finished eating his dinner as he watched (Y/N) eat her food in silence. He completely shut off listening to the arguments of his parents downstairs.

Once (Y/N) had finished eating, Saiki had taken the utensils off (Y/N) before she could even stand.

"S-Saiki kun, you don't have to carry them for me".

"But I want too (Y/N), would you like me to escort you home?".

Saiki asked as (Y/N) blushed softly but sighed in defeat, knowing full well she won't win against Saiki.

"That's so kind of you Saiki, thank you, next time I'm going to take the dishes off you".

(Y/N) said in determination as Saiki chuckled at (Y/N)s determination. However, he had won a heart point from (Y/N).

'Saiki is such a gentlemen, that is so sweet of him to do that for me. I want to repay that kindness back but I'm not sure how too'.

'Just say that you love me, that's enough for me'.

Saiki thought as the two had made it downstairs and put the dishes in the sink. Around this time, Saiki's parents had made up with eachother as Saiki put his dishes in the sink. He then spot the coffee jelly sitting on the bench as (Y/N) had noticed.

"Ohh, coffee jelly?".

(Y/N) spoke in curiosity as Saiki opened the packet with a spoon and took a nibble out of the substance. His eyes had turned into stars as he loved the taste, he then instantly turned to (Y/N).

"You've got to try this (Y/N), it's so good".

(Y/N) smiled as she nodded, Saiki used the spoon, scooped a bit of coffee jelly and pressed it to her lips. She took the bite as she hummed in delightment.

"Mmm, this is good but it's not as good as chocolate".

(Y/N) hummed out as Saiki hummed but soon his coffee jelly was snatched out of his hands by his mother. He inhaled as he glared at his mom for her stealing his coffee jelly but suddenly he snapped out of it when (Y/N) grab his hand.

"Saiki kun, please calm down".

She could sense Saiki had rage building up but became relieved when his rage went down as he held onto her hand shyly. Ignoring the fact that his parents are cooing at the two being a cute couple.

"I'm Obsessed With You~" (Yandere Saiki x Fem Reader) (DISCONTINUED).Where stories live. Discover now