The Cafe Date....

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Narrators POV.

School has ended as Saiki spent all of his time with (Y/N). He prefers it than spending time with Nendo and Kaido, (Y/N) and Saiki were walking outside the gates until they were stopped by Kaido and Nendo.

"Hi there, I'm Kaido, Kaido Shun but that's my cover name, my real name is Jet Black Wings".

Saiki wanted to ignore the blue haired boy but (Y/N) had gotten interested in the boy instantly.

"Ohh, hello Jet Black Wings!".

"Hey don't say it out loud, use my cover name Kaido".

Kaido sweat dropped as (Y/N) hummed in interest. Saiki wasn't happy about it.

"Hi I'm Nendo Riki and I want to ask if you would like to get Ramen with me?".

Nendo asked both Saiki and (Y/N) as she got curious and Saiki shook his head sideways.

"Sorry but (Y/N) promised me a Cafe date".

Saiki spoke telepathically as (Y/N) blushed and covered her face in embarrassment. That caught Nendo and Kaido by surprise.

"More like a friendly date, that's all".

(Y/N) told them as Nendo decided to cut in.

"Hey why don't we tag along ey?".

Saiki huffed in annoyance, that's not how dates work, Kaido agreed with Nendos choice of words.

"Yeah that sounds like a good idea".

'It was supposed to be me and her alone together!'.

Saiki thought angrily as (Y/N) shook her head sideways when she remembered the scheduled photoshoot.

"I need to go to a photoshoot, don't worry, I won't be long and then I'll join you guys, how's that?".

(Y/N) asked as Kaido and Nendo agreed but Saiki only nodded. Already a plan formed in his head to get rid of the two from ruining his 'first date' with (Y/N).

(Y/N)s POV.

"There you are miss (L/N), come on, we have got your clothing for this photo shoots theme".

The photographer spoke as I nodded and went with the make up artists to get changed for the theme.

"So what's the theme today?".

I asked curiously as I was handed a red wrap dress to change into.

"You'll see soon, you will see".

The makeup artists said as I went along with it. I will find out either way.

After getting dressed and prepared for the shoot, I was handed a red rose and was told to stand on the assigned hill with a bridge in the background.

"Alright the theme today is 'date' themed, act all romantic and cute for the photo alright?".

The photographer asked as I blushed softly but nodded notheless as I posed for the camera. Starting to imagine it being me and Saiki- wait what?!, me and Saiki?!. No way that can't be right, we are best friends.... Right?.

After the photoshoot, I couldn't stop thinking about the theme and now Saiki. I couldn't be bothered changing back to my uniform so I carried it in my school bag.

"I don't think he sees me like that. We are just best friends but why do I feel my heart beat when I think about him".

I asked myself as I walked around and spotted Saiki. He was leaning against the wall wearing a jacket, white collared shirt, black pants and shoes. Let's not forget his glasses and the accessories on his head.

"Oh hi Saiki, where did Nendo and Kaido go?".

I asked curiously as he shrugged.

"They went home since something happened. Anyways, let's go on that Cafe date you promised me".

Saiki spoke, I nodded in agreement as we walked together downtown to a nearby Cafe. I could feel his stares on my dress as I looked around the scenery of the town. I see the skies are darkening as the street lights had lightened up the area. Along with the shops that stay up late started to light up itself.

"You look beautiful (Y/N)".

"Thank you Saiki, I'd say the same to you too Saiki".

I thanked as I blushed heavily at Saiki's compliments. Sure I hear him compliment me every now and then but this made me feel cheerful.

We had arrived at a Cafe as Saiki opened the door for me first. I giggled as I thanked him, then went in the Cafe as Saiki followed me from behind.

"Good even madam and sir, would you like a table for two?".

The waiter asked as I nodded, along with Saiki as the waiter escorted us to a secluded spot that seems to be for couples only booth. Saiki sat down as I followed in prosuit, we looked at the menus together as the waiter who escorted us came over.

"What would the lovely lady and her boyfriend like?".

I blushed at the waiters words as Saiki seemed to smile at the words given out of the waiters mouth.

"I would like coffee jelly please".

"I'd like (F/D) (Favourite Dessert) please".

The waiter nodded as they left us alone with only two of us in the booth. Me and Saiki had a good conversation with ourselves and made plans for the weekends. Then the waiter had came back with our ordered foods but it seems that they changed waiters since this one is a male. He seemed bored out of his mind until he saw me, I started getting nervous when a creepy smirk had formed on his face.

"Heya sugercubes~ tell me did it hurt when you fell from heaven?~".

He flirted as I shook my head no in response. I could feel Saiki's glares heat up in complete anger as he was handed his coffee jelly without a thought.

"Well how's about you come over to my place and we could have a 'fun' time~".

I didn't like the sound of that, suddenly I saw Saiki slam on the table so hard that the table had broken in half. I am heavily shocked but not as shocked as the waiter, Saiki had his coffee jelly in his hand as he stood up.

"We will be taking our order and go, let's go (Y/N)".

Saiki spoke as he walked past the waiter but purposely shoved him on the ground. I nodded, stood up and followed Saiki, ignoring the stares of the public as we left the Cafe together.

"I'm Obsessed With You~" (Yandere Saiki x Fem Reader) (DISCONTINUED).Where stories live. Discover now