Attending PK Academy.

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(Y/N)s POV.

I woke up to the curtains being opened by the maids. The sunlight entered my room amd landed on my face as I hissed in annoyance.

"Good morning young mistress, had a good sleep?".

One of my maids asled as she not only opened my curtains but also my mosquitoes net over my bed. I nodded as I rubbed my eyes tiredly.

"Yes I did have a good sleep, still wish I could've slept more".

"Understandable, but it's time to get you dressed for school, have breakfast and head off. Your photo shoot is scheduled after school".

My maid informed me as I got out of bed and went to the bathroom for a bath.

After having a bath, my skin is clean and now I smell like (F/F)s (favourite flowers).

I had left my room with my school bag, which is the shape of a laptop that is filled with my school stuff. I gotta say I am briefly excited for today now.

After I had breakfast, I walked towards the front door but was stopped by my butler.

"Little mistress, are you sure you don't need me to drive you to school?".

"Nah I'm fine walking by myself and besides-".

I opened the doors to see Saiki in his school uniform at the front gates waiting for me.

"I like to walk with my best friend, he's amazing I'll tell you".

"Alright then little mistress, have a lovely day at school".

I hummed as I walked outside and head to the front gates where Saiki is waiting for me.

"Hi Saiki, I'm sorry if I took too long, how are you?".

I asked curiously as Saiki didn't respond. He stared at me and- he started walking without me!.

"Wait Saiki- I'm sorry I left you hanging!, wait for me!".

Narrators POV.

(Y/N) had managed to catch up to Saiki, who started speedwalking away from her. (Y/N) huffed as she copied his speed and walked with Saiki silently. Her thoughts had broke the silence to Saiki.

'Why is Saiki being weird today?, is it because of nerves?, yeah it's probably because of nerves for school today'.

"I'm sorry (Y/N)".

Saiki spoke telepathically to (Y/N) as she turned her head to look at him in confusion.

"For what Saiki?".

"For speedwalking away from you".

Saiki spoke telepathically again as (Y/N) smiled and held Saiki's hand to comfort him. In the process, that just made him blush but he looked away.

"It's alright Saiki, hey I'll tell you what, how about later on in the day after my photo shoot. We can stop at a Cafe and get some desserts, my treat".

(Y/N) offered as Saiki became intrigued and decided to add.

"Like a date?".

"What?!- uhm sure I guess".

(Y/N) started blushing furiously as her thoughts betrayed her.

'Did Saiki really want to take me out on a date like that?, am I dead or is this a dream?!'.

Saiki chuckled as he intertwined his fingers with (Y/N)s hand, increasing her blush tenfold.

"For the record, I don't mind taking you out on a date".

Saiki spoke as (Y/N) couldn't stop herself from looking like a fully red tomatoe. That definately earned him a few heart points from (Y/N).

Once they've got to PK Academy, everyone at school were looking at (Y/N) and Saiki. Mainly (Y/N).

"Wait, is that (Y/N) (L/N)?!".

"That famous model for the magazines?!".

"Oh my god, she's way prettier up close!".

"Who is that boy holding her hand?".

Already whispers are being called out as (Y/N) became uncomfortable by it. The only exposure she had to normal people is Saiki and his parents. Saiki however glared at the people who made (Y/N) uncomfortable with the stares and whispers.

After they changed their shoes from the locker room, they check the timetable and saw they had the same classes together.

Saiki was really ecstatic about it. He might have had to mind control the principle and teachers to have (Y/N) in the same classes as him. Moving on, (Y/N) is chatting with Saiki as he hummed and listened quietly to (Y/N).

'I'm sorry if I'm selfish (Y/N) but I can't share you with anyone'.

Saiki thought to himself as soon as class had started. everyone had started introducing themselves as (Y/N) went after Teruhashi.

"Hello fellow classmates, I'm (L/N), (Y/N) and I'm looking forward to befriending everyone".

On instant, everyone cheered and awed at (Y/N) in admiration. Meanwhile Teruhashi was seething in anger of all the attention she had was stolen by (Y/N). Saiki is the only one to notice as he could hear Teruhashi's thoughts loudly and silently glared at her.

After class, Teruhashi was about to approach (Y/N) with a friendly face and invite her to lunch. It's to make (Y/N) feel like she's below her but it seems it won't be happening since (Y/N) had been asked by Saiki to have lunch with her.

"Oh would you mind if I tag along?".

Teruhashi butted in as her normal glow had shine in, trying to squirm her way in with Saiki and (Y/N).

"Ehm I don't know, what do you think Saiki?".

(Y/N) asked as Saiki shook his head sideways, which he had recieved silence and then death glares from Teruhashi's fan club.

"I'm sorry, ehm Teruhashi but whatever Saiki says, it goes".

(Y/N) explained as Saiki nodded, opened the door and gestured for (Y/N) to come. She followed in prosuit, leaving an angry Teruhashi behind as a lot of angry thoughts had came out of from her.

"I'm Obsessed With You~" (Yandere Saiki x Fem Reader) (DISCONTINUED).Where stories live. Discover now