Meeting Toritsuka Reita.

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Saiki's POV.

"Hey guys, did you hear that a new student is coming to school?".

"Oh really, I hope it's a boy!".

Called out one of the girls as I sighed, yesterday I met with a medium called Toritsuka Reita, he was asking me if I could help enhance his powers. Like the good psychic I am, I said no, two reasons, one he can't advance even if he wanted too. Two, he would just get in the way of my relationship with (Y/N) and become a pervert to her. I worked so hard to make sure that she gains feelings for me and I'm not about to lose all my hard work to a pervert!.

"Hey Saiki, did you hear that a new student is coming to school?".

I hear my beloved (Y/N) ask. I nodded as I stared at her, listening to her thoughts are pleasant but her voice is nice to listen too as well. Especially when she says my name, I can't wait to see her last name become my last name when we get married someday.

"Settle down class, come on in and introduce yourself".

The teacher called out as the class got silent once the door opened. My eyes widened when I recognized the purple haired male come into class. I grimaced and glared at him.

"Good morning, my names Toritsuka Reita and I can see guardian spirits".

What is he doing here?!, he's not suppose to be here?!. Now I need to make sure that he stays away from (Y/N) or else she might get the wrong idea that he and I are friends and she finds out the true nature of him.

Flashfoward (Saiki Scenario).

Toritsuka:Heya baby, do you mind if you take your clothes off for me?~".

(Y/N):Your friends with a pervert Saiki?!, we are no longer friends!!".

Flashforward ends.

Oh god no. I simply cannot let that happen!, if he's going to stay alive or around me, he's going to clean up his act around (Y/N)!.

'Ohh, he can see guardian spirits, I wonder what my guardian is'.

I heard (Y/N)s thoughts, as well as everyone else's thoughts. I sighed, I will threaten him after school to not be a pervert around (Y/N) if he values his life.

After class, all the females gathered around Toritsuka and asked about their guardians to him. (Y/N) seemed keen to come and ask but chose to stay next to me for now. She grabbed my hand and we marched over to Toritsuka, once he laid his eyes on her, his jaw had dropped. I glared at Toritsuka, wishing death on the medium psychic.

"Hello my names (L/N) (Y/N) and this is Kusuo Saiki. I was wondering who is my guardian spirit?".

(Y/N) asked as Toritsuka had recovered and gave (Y/N) a pervert smile. Luckily that she didn't notice but if she did. I hope that scenario I thought of a while ago doesn't come true and I won't result to murder.

"O-oh u-uhm sure (Y/N), my goodness your awfully beautiful".

Toritsuka spoke as I sneered at him, did he just complement her?!. Only I'm supposed to do that?!.

"Uhm thanks Toritsuka kun, what's my guardian spirit?".

(Y/N) asked as I glared at him, warning him to not say anything pervy but also curious of (Y/N)s guardian spirit. Suddenly his eyes widened for what I can assume of seeing her guardian spirit.

"You have three guardian spirits!, they look like Athena, Aphrodite and Hera from Greek mythology".

Huh, I didn't really expect much of what (Y/N)s guardian is but three seems to be a big deal to Toritsuka since his eyes were still wide. That only seemed to increase everyone's curiosity of their own guardians as I sighed. Now everyone is getting annoying. I grabbed (Y/N)s hand as she snapped out of it.

"Huh?, oh you want to go outside Saiki?".

I briefly nodded as she smiled at me, making my heart beat softly.

"Alright then, let's go Saiki, goodbye Toritsuka".

(Y/N) waved, making my blood boil when he started to drool on the floor. All I can think of is his own planned death but now I'm going to have to use mind control on the teachers to make him switch classes.

Narrators POV.

The school has ended as (Y/N) started to notice the nature of Toritsuka and let's say that she's not happy about it. As much as Saiki had gathered information about (Y/N)s dislikes, she didn't like perverts.

Which brings us to Saiki outside near an alleyway. He had taken (Y/N) home for the day and he asked Toritsuka to come see him so he can have a 'chat' with him. Once Toritsuka had came, he felt the change in the atmosphere when he sees Saiki.

"So uhm Saiki, what do you want to talk about?".

Toritsuka asked as he was then pinned to the wall by force as Saiki punched the wall near Toritsukas head. Causing the wall to break slightly as Toritsuka cowered in fear when he sees Saiki with the most scariest face ever.

"You think it's alright to be complimenting (Y/N) you pervert. Let me ease your mind about something you should know. D O N 'T  T A L K  T O  H E R  I F  Y O U  V A L U E  Y O U R  O W N  L I F E. Heed my warning".

Saiki thought as his glares were harsh on Toritsuka to make him cower below his height. Toritsuka is scared of Saiki, before he was frightened but now he's really scared of him. Toritsuka nodded as Saiki left Toritsuka behind in the alleyway. Satisfied with Toritsukas answer so Toritsuka can live to see another day.

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