Flight To Okinawa.

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(Y/N)s POV.

"Alright (Y/N), we wish you a safe journey on the trip. If anything goes wrong then head to the beach house in Okinawa".

My mom spoke as she kissed me on the forehead, I smiled, she is always worried and bids me goodbye whenever I go somewhere without her.

"I will, goodbye mom, I'll see you in three days".

I said, holding my suitcase as I walked outside to see Saiki waiting outside with his suitcase. Gotta say I'm excited to be apart of Saiki's group with Kaido, Nendo, Teruhashi, Chiyo and Mera. Due to there being an uneven amount in the class, our group had the most and honestly I don't mind.

"Hi Saiki, I'm here, let's go!".

I chirped excitedly as I took his hand in mine, he rolled his eyes as I giggled, I got to say, this is the most excited trip of my life.

Narrators POV.

Saiki and (Y/N) had made it to school as their class has started by the time they got there. Saiki is pretty excited to spend three days away with (Y/N), his friends however, he doesn't want to talk about it. As much as he tried to get away from Teruhashi, Chiyo, Nendo, Kaido and Mera. He fell into a trap when Teruhashi's brother came into play and he didn't want him to come ruin his school trip so he made sure Mera was involved.

The class has made it to the airport, the students are excited for the trip except for Saiki and (Y/N). Well mostly Saiki, (Y/N) is excited to spend all her time with her classmates. Saiki however wasn't excited but hey atleast he gets to spend his time with (Y/N).

"Attention to those that are going to Okinawa, due to there being a hurricane blocking the way to Okinawa. The flight will be delayed".

That's when the mood has immediately dropped, everyone had fell into a depression but some held out hope that maybe the hurricane will pass.

Couple of hours has passed and the hurricane hasn't moved at all, (Y/N) was worried for everyone. Hairo was trying to encourage everyone but no one was responding to his encouragement.

"Oh dear, I was looking forward to it Saiki".

(Y/N) spoke as Saiki turned to look at her, thoughts was racing through his mind as he listened to (Y/N)s thoughts.

'I even brought something to wear to the emerald beach for you Saiki. Oh well, maybe next time I suppose'.

Saiki immediately stood up and rushed to the bathroom, confusing (Y/N) since she's the only one that noticed Saiki leaving. Suddenly the intercom had interuppted her confusion.

"Attention to those traveling to Okinawa, the hurricane has passed, I repeat the hurricane has passed".

Everyone in (Y/N)s and Saiki's class has cheered and stood up from their depression as they had started moving towards their flight. (Y/N) was the only one to notice Saiki return to the group all soaken wet.

"Oh my- Saiki what happened?- don't answer that, let me clean that up for you".

(Y/N) spoke as she went in her suitcase and grabbed a extra towel. She wrapped it around Saiki as Saiki nodded his head in thanks as (Y/N) smiled.

"No problem Saiki, it's what best friends do".

Saiki winced at the word 'friend' but (Y/N) grabbed his hand in her free hand as her other hand grabbed her suit case as they walked together towards their flight.

(Y/N)s POV.

Me and Saiki had made it on the plane together as we found a seat for eachother.

"Hey Saiki, do you want window seat or the row seat?".

I asked as Saiki simply pointed to the window seat.

"Alright then, I'll just sit in the middle if you like".

I said as I did just that as Saiki sat next to the window, Mera then sat next to me as she waved at me.

"Hi (Y/N), I know we haven't talked much but do you happen to have any snacks on you?".

Mera asked as I shook my head sideways. I feel sorry for her since she barely has enough money for herself to eat food but it's sweet that she cares for her family.

"I'm sorry Mera I don't have any snacks but I do hear that we are getting free food at Okinawa".

I pointed out, causing Mera to drool excitedly as I felt Saiki's hand intertwined with mine. I turned to look at Saiki as he looked out the window, probably touchy or something.

"Attention passengers, we are ready to lift off so please fast in your seat belts and get ready for the flight".

The captain spoke through intercom as I felt Saiki's hand tighten on my hold, only making me smile.

"Oh your nervous Saiki?, don't be nervous Saiki, I know for a fact that once we land, you won't regret it, I promise you".

I assured him as I gave his hand a comforting squeeze. He looked at me and gave me a small, thankful smile as he turn his attention to the window to see that we are flying up.

Narrators POV.

After an hour, Saiki had listened to (Y/N)s chats and thoughts at the same time, he enjoyed it but he enjoyed it more when she held his hand. To put the cherry on top for Saiki, she leaned her head on his shoulder and fell asleep on him. Just as she fell asleep, Saiki took a nap, only to wake up from a dream that'll become a disaster soon. He looked at (Y/N) and moved her in a comfortable position to sleep on the seat, he got up and walked towards the bathroom.

Just as he entered the bathroom, he teleported outside of the plane and carried the plane from the bottom. Making sure the plane doesn't crash on him or anyone in the plane. Especially (Y/N), my god don't let him get started on that.

Once he landed the plane with full effort, he teleported back to the planes bathroom and came out walking limply back to his seat.

"Attention passengers, we have landed to Okinawa so please grab your luggage and hop off the plane, we will see you have a good time here".

Saiki groaned at the intercom as (Y/N) woke up and rubbed the tiredness away.

"What a sleep I had, hello Saiki, have we landed already?".

(Y/N) asked as Saiki nodded, still tired and sore from carrying that plane but no one needs to know about that. Unfortunately (Y/N) had noticed Saiki's dense state.

"Have you been stretching too hard again Saiki?, you've got to be careful next time".

(Y/N) said worriedly as she held Saiki by wrapping his left arm around the back of her neck. Making him smile as a blush rose on his cheeks but he looked away from her to avoid showing his feelings a bit too early.

"I'm Obsessed With You~" (Yandere Saiki x Fem Reader) (DISCONTINUED).Where stories live. Discover now