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Name: Jordan

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Name: Jordan

Height: 5'8"

Age: 28

Rank: Sargent 

Bio: Jordan is a special forces operator that was tasked with training alongside the new weapons, so he could give an accurate evaluation of them. However, even though he is told they are nothing but, weapons meant for war he sees them differently. 

Name: Luke

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Name: Luke

Height: 4'6" 

Age: 10

Bio: Luke is Jordan's only son. His mother died at his birth and he has been living with some friends of Jordans since he had no other family. One day his father decides to take Jordan up to the base so he could live with him. While there Luke becomes very curious about these new weapons the military is creating and is always seen trying to get a peek at them. 

(A/N the weapons are technically 3 years old cause that is how long they have been alive for.) 

Name: T-101 (Scorch) 

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Name: T-101 (Scorch) 

Height: 25'

Age: 3 

Branch: Airforce

Bio: T-104 or Scorch was made for the airforce as a means to wipe out any and all enemy presence in the sky. His thick hide makes him impervious to most weapons minus a few heavier calibers, and he can achieve great heights and speed when in flight. He greatly hates the humans that keep him imprisoned, and wants nothing more to break out and take revenge on all the pain they have caused him over the years. 

Name: T - 102 (Luna) 

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Name: T - 102 (Luna) 

Height: 20'

Age: 3

Branch: Army

Bio: T - 102 otherwise known as Luna was created for the army as a means to devastate any enemy presence where ever she would be needed. Not only does her towering height provide an intimidating factor but, she is very skilled at getting up and close to her opponents before they realize it. She is seen as soft since she doesn't like to kill her targets which only earns her punishment from the humans. 

Name: T - 103 ( Coral) 

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Name: T - 103 ( Coral) 

Height: 24'

Age: 3

Branch: Navy

Bio: T - 103 or Coral was designed for the navy to be used as an anti-sub and ship countermeasure. She is able to dive down to great depts and swim at great speeds. She is designed to deliver devastating attacks on unsuspecting ships and sups that get in her way. But she always finds herself thinking she could do more than be a weapon but isn't sure yet. 

Name: T - 104 (Brutes) 

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Name: T - 104 (Brutes) 

Height: 25

Age: 3 

Branch: Marines 

Bio: T - 104 or Brutes was created for the marine corp. He is a powerful combatant that loves the thrill of battle and bringing death and destruction to his enemies. He has a deep hatred for the humans but, he is very protective of his fellow experiments, especially T - 102. 

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