Chapter 7

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 No one's POV

Alarms were blaring, workers panicked and ran for shelters, and soldiers hurried to their posts. Upon the release of the experiments, the entire base was going into complete chaos, and thanks to Jordan's little virus the systems were completely locked down which prevented anyone from bringing the base's security measures online.

So all Harold and the other scientists could do was watch helplessly as their experiments easily ran down the tunnel toward their freedom with no one to oppose them. 

Brutus's POV 

Brutus was in a state he had never been before his heart was pounding, his mind was racing, adrenal pumping through his veins, and the largest smile was on his face as he booked it down the tunnel. He looked to his left and right and saw his fellow experiments/friends, and seeing them only made him smile more.

Brutus's mind: "We finally have freedom from this hell, only a few more

He then looked down at his chest and saw the small form of Luke buried into his fur with his right hand resting protectively over the kid's frame. 

Brutus's mind: "I still don't know why Jordan Luke to me, but all I know is that I will guard this boy with my life until I reunite him with Jordan. " He thought sternly to himself. 

Brutus looked back down the tunnel and started to see the outline of the gate that lead to the training area and their freedom. He then looked closer and saw the gate was wide open with no sign of any security forces or soldiers guarding it.

Luna: "Look the gate is open we are free." She yelled happily

Draco: "Indeed, let's get out of this hell hole." He said firmly. 

 Brutus: "Thank you Jordan, I hope to see you on the other side." He said quickly while running towards the gate. 

They quickly reached the gate and burst through into the training while still remaining vigilant of any opposing forces that would dare to stand in their way.

No one's POV 

Meanwhile back in the base Jordan and David were about to fight for their lives as Harald's security forces descended upon them. 

The men could hear the soldiers on the other side door preparing to breach it. 

David: "Welp we are outnumbered and outgunned my friend." He said simply

Jordan: "Yeah and I love these odds." He said smirking. "I say they need at least two more squads." He said chuckling. 

David: "Yeah and maybe a tank, but I guess we take what we get." He said aiming at the door with his weapon. 

Just then they heard loud knocking coming from the door which was quickly followed up by a deep voice speaking up. 

???: "Jordan this is your last chance, stand down and come with us peacefully, and I promise you won't get hurt." The man said truthfully 

Jordan: "You really expect me, to just turn myself into men who openly threatened my son and his friends ha." He said with a hearty laugh. " I hope you boys can give me a fight worth my time, so come on we are waiting." 

???: "Very well Jordan just remember you asked for this." 

Jordan then heard the men stacking up on either side of the door. 

Jordan: "David, when that door opens I want you to kick back anything they throw in got." He said quietly. 

David looked at his friend and nodded in understanding. They listened closely and sure enough heard the sounds of someone slowly turning the door knob. The two men held their breath and tightened their grip on their weapons. 

The door knob turned fully and in a quick second, it burst open while two objects were thrown into the room's center. David quickly identified them as stun grenades. So he bolted over to them and kicked them both back quickly while trying to look away. 

And to his luck, the grenades went back outside of the room and into the now horrified soldiers who screamed out in shock while trying to avoid the grenade's blast. But they didn't share in David's luck for both devices detonated with a thunderous bang, and a massive flash of light which both deafened and blinded the soldiers outside the door.

David and Jordan quickly stacked up on either side of the door and after pointing their weapons out the door and began to fire upon their foes. 

Jordan shot down three of them while David took out another two.  The rest of them though still shocked from the grenades retreated down the hallway to find a better position.

David: "You good." He shouted franticly. 

Jordan: "Just fine my friend." He said happily. 

Just then bullets riddled the door and walls as the soldiers began to fire franticly at the two men. 

David: "I think we pissed them off." He said taking cover. 

Jordan: "You could say that." He said plainly. 

Jordan then peaked out and taking careful aim fired his weapon three times at the remaining soldiers and to his luck, he struck one of them in the neck which made the soldier fall to the ground while blood poured out of his wounds. Jordan then quickly pulled back into the room and checked his mag. 

Jordan: "I have only six rounds left."

David: "I have one and a half mags including the one I have in the gun." He said franticly. 

Jordan: "We need to get out of here fast other wise we are going to run out of ammo fast." He said plainly. 

David looked out and saw there was another hallway on the left wall that was thankfully in between them and their foes.

David: "We can make a break for that hallway, then find a way out of here." He said quickly. "But how do we get past these guys without getting hit?" He said desperately. 

Jordan looked around for a second hoping to see a way out of this, and sure enough an opportunity. Looking to the right corner of the room he found a fire extinguisher, and with a smile on his face he placed his weapon into his belt line and then grabbed the extinguisher. 

Jordan: "David when I say shoot this then run hard ok." He said firmly. 

David: "Ok boss." 

Jordan then threw it out into the hallway towards Harlods men, and he watched it land on the floor and roll towards them. 

Jordan: "Now David shoot it." He yelled out. 

David did as he was told and fired at the extinguisher, and when his round hit it an explosion of white foam and mist filled the hallway. Harold's men were shocked at this, but David and Jordan ran as fast as they could into the hallway. 

The men ran as fast as they could not looking back, and after passing a few doors and hallways they reached an elevator.

Jordan: "We need to get up the training area now." He said while stepping inside. 

David: "Ok and hopefully the experiments can meet us up there." 

The two men got in and Jordan pressed the button that took them to the training area observation deck. Now they just needed to find a way to meet up with the others and get out of the base before Harold figured out how to stop them.


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