like a spell, cast over my shadow

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My knees hit the cold, stone tiles of the dungeon, after being captured by two guards outside the castle. I shouldn't of been here, but as soon as I heard my brother was here, I went straight after him. I slowly looked up, the King of Mirkwood. I'd heard of him, but I never expected a man like that, he was absolutely breathtaking. "And who do we have here?" His voice cut through me, like ice meeting fire. I couldn't speak at first, my voice was trapped inside my throat and I was trying to figure out what I would even say. "Speak when spoken to, scum." The guard from behind me snapped, as he placed his hand up. "Did I ask you to speak?" I looked back down, as he leaned forward. "Well? What is your name?" I was badly injured, but I wasn't afraid of the Elven king. "Those people die for your name, down below, in that place you're supposed to be protecting." I finally got my words out, his expression didn't shift, it was almost like he didn't have feelings. His eyes stared through me, there was no emotion inside him and it freaked me out, massively. "Unless you have information for me, I see no point in this conversation." I was on the verge of slapping him, he was such an asshole. "You have blood on your hands, Thranduil. Make no mistake, this isn't over. The war won't end until you say the word. The orcs are coming, Azog is coming. You're going to end up killed. Your people, covered in the blood of their King, that refused to see. That refused to save them." I stood to my feet, "Give me your name, I won't ask you again." I watch his cold eyes. "No."

"Did you just refuse your king?" His expressions didn't change, there was no emotion inside him and it was terrifying. "I don't owe you a thing, why would I tell you my name?" I could hear some commotion, the guards behind me. I frowned, as I slip my sword into my hand. "You've said enough, human." I turned to face them, as I smirked. "You're asking for it." He went to attack me, as I ducked down, my sword sliding across my body as I cut into the side of his face, as Thranduil just watched, I kick him back, as another comes from behind me. Without hesitation, he beheaded the guard that tried to harm me. I look back at him, as we both stood back to back, as we fought back against the guards that betrayed the throne. Thee bodies laid on the dungeon ground, my breath ragged as I turned to face him. "You're not afraid to die." I watch his eyes, "I've had practice, your Highness." He smirked, "You would be the perfect soldier, if you weren't so uptight." I narrow my eyes, "Uptight? I've just learnt how to survive in a world with a coward as it's leader." He gripped my throat, throwing me back into the wall as slight anger filled his eyes. "You dare defy your King?" I lean my neck back, as I struggled to breathe with his thumb pressed into my throat. "I will die before I stand beside you in battle." I glared at his icy eyes, as he chuckled. "You'd better watch your mouth, y/n. I dread to think what I could do to your throat." He threatened, "How did you know my name?" He stood back, "You may leave, but I assure you, if you return, I shall not let you leave."

I stopped, as he turned his back to me and began to walk toward his throne. "What's that supposed to mean?" I asked, as his eyes never leave mine. "You'll never leave this kingdom again, I shan't allow it. So please, choose wisely. I don't like to be kept waiting." I frowned, as I looked back at the opened gates. I hesitated, his stare had put me in a trance and somehow, I couldn't walk outside. I turn back to face him, "Why? Why are you letting me stay here? I threatened you." He leaned back, his eyes still piercing through my soul. "I wouldn't call that threatening, my dove." Was he complimenting me now? I take a breath, as one of his guards stared at me, with anger in his eyes. Was I just going to be continuously attacked today? "With all due respect, My king.. having a woman in this castle shall cloud your judgement." He spoke out, he looked visibly pissed at that comment. "Approach." His voice became darker, as I watched. He stood forward, as he leaned slightly forward. "Did I ask for your opinion?" I was afraid of how this could go. "You betray your throne." He held his sword to him, as I stood in front, his blade pressed into my chest. "You'll have to go through me first." I threatened the guard, as he laughed. "You're a girl, what makes you think you'll beat me?" I smiled. "You threaten the king, you're going through me first." I didn't want to think how smug he was looking, but I felt it through my skin. "As you wish, human scum." I step back, as he went for my throat, I jump, flipping onto my back and up onto my feet, to avoid the slim blade. I kick him back, as I knock his blade to the ground, the metal scraping along the marble tiles. I held my sword to his throat, "I told you. You don't threaten a king's life, not in his own home. I warned you." I slit his throat, as the blood sprayed out of his neck, as he fell to the ground, choking for air. I watched, as I drop my sword.

"Come to me, my dove." I turned back to him, as I slowly walked to him. He was very tall, I'd never met anyone that huge before. I got down on my knees, as I looked up at him. "Oh, you'll be perfect." He smirked down at me, his finger slid along my jaw, I'd never seen a man so perfect. He was like an Angel, he had this ethereal presence that surrounded him, it was almost enchanting. "As you wish, my King."

What had I gotten myself into?

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