the battle of mirkwood

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I stood, watching the trees outside the castle as I listened closely to Tauriel and Thranduil speak of the Orcs, the plans to rid them and to win this never ending war. "My son has grown very fond of you." I heard him speak, as she went quiet. "He sees me nothing more than a fighter, my lord. I am not worthy of more." She replied, as I sighed deeply. "You'd be right of that. Maybe you should make that known, as I feel that he doesn't quite understand that concept." That was harsh. I rolled my eyes, as I walked back inside as they both turned to me. "Darling." He gently kissed the side of my forehead, as I smiled a little. "My king." I turned to look at her, but she seemed uncomfortable in my presence. "Would you mind leaving us for a moment, Thranduil?" He seemed a little surprised, "Of course." He turned and left us, I knew he would hear us, he had really good hearing, but I had to get her alone. "Don't listen to him about Legolas. He just gets overprotective." I sat down on the stone steps, as she looked at me. "I didn't expect it to happen." I smiled, "Love is very unexpected. I hated the King when I first came here, I blamed him for everything, for the war, abandoning his people.. but I was so wrong, Tauriel. He's such a good person, if you knew him, like I do.. he has so much love in his heart. I feel like he could do better, all the time.. maybe one day, he will." I sighed, looking at my hands. "He loves you." She seemed nervous, but it made sense. She didn't really know me. "I'd like to believe that, but I don't."

"You don't love him?" I lean back, "Of course I do, he saved my life. Countless times, he put his life on the line for me, without even thinking about it. That man, he deserves the world. But me? No. He can do better than me." I heard him clear his throat, "I should go." I stand up, as I felt his grip on my forearm. "Wait for me, in my chambers. We need to have a talk." I nodded, as he lets go and I walked up the stairs. He definitely heard me. I sat on the bed, as I looked out at the town. I missed my family, I would of done anything to run back through those woods and gone back to them. The door opened, shutting behind him. "You knew I'd hear what you said." I glance back at him, "It was all true, Thranduil. You deserve better." He sat beside me, "That couldn't be further from the truth. You made me love again, y/n. You've warmed my cold heart, I was so bitter and angry, for thousands of years.. and you made me happy again. You made me better." I stand up, as I ran my hands through my hair. "You're just telling me what I want to hear." He grabbed my hand, making me face him. "I would never do that. I love you." I watch his eyes, I still couldn't read them. He had this cold, emotionless look inside those irises. "I love you more." He smiled a little, as I lean forward and I peck his lips. "That isn't possible, my love." He whispered, I gently cup his face. "Isn't it?" He watched me, "There is one thing I have to disagree on." I frowned, "And what is that?"

"I would prefer if you'd stay out of the business of my son and his engagements." I step back, as I glared at him. "Legolas being in love with someone who's actually good for him? Don't you want him to be happy?" He cocked his head, "I will not speak of this again with you. Don't make me angry." He stood up, as I tried to keep my anger at bay. "Fuck you." I snapped, as he grabbed my throat and he pinned me to the wall. "Do you really want me to get angry? You want to see this side of me?" He threatened, as I take a shaky breath, "Get your hands off me." I shoved him, as I pushed past him and I ran out of there. "My- y/n? Where are you- hey!" Tauriel shouted after me, as I rushed out of the castle, I almost felt like I couldn't breathe. Hours went by, I'd sat in the woods, staring at the same tree and thinking so many things over in my head. "I thought you'd be here." I go silent, as Thranduil slowly sat beside me. "I was wrong to treat you that way, I apologise." I lean back, as I just rub my eyes. I felt so exhausted, "I need to go now." I stand up, as he grabbed my hand. "Don't do this. Please don't leave me." I watched him closely, "Leave you?" I got onto my knees in front of him, "I'll die before I ever think of doing that, my heart burns for you, Thranduil. You could stab me in the chest and I'd still want you." He pulled me into his arms, as I grip onto him tightly. "I burn for you." He mumbled, as I smiled gently.

"I'll never leave."

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