ⓨAdventure 1-Part 4ⓨ

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Third person POV-

As Bizly and Condi starts to unravel their eyes open, looking at the person in-front of them, they gasp as they examine the being ahead of them. They did not know that their conclusions could be right about Charlie, but it really was the true Charlie, the one that's been there for the both of them. Not a fake that they would expect. They look up and down on Charlie, they see some changes on him. He now has gold accessories like them, while having a golden crown with goo on his head. His clothes are completely different too. He now has a green poncho and a gem on his collar, he is also wearing a more darker green sleeved shirt with gold patterns underneath his poncho while wearing dark grey pants and having green slimy feet. While everything else on him didn't change. Charlies' eyes flicker open and looked at the both of them with confusion. Both were still shock that this Charlie was real, but Charlie on said.

"Is something wrong with me?"

"No, no. no, it's just we're surprised Charlie. Just look at yourself." Condi replied.

Charlie looked down at himself, seeing the changes on his own body, while looking, his eyes go wide because of the change. He too didn't know this would happen or work, Charlie looks back to Bizly and Condi, but they just smiles.

"So, does that mean I am a God too?" Slimecicle said.

"I, I guess so Charlie. But do you remember anything?" Bizly questioned.

"No, I don't remember anything"

"God dammit... Well lets' just rest for now, it's already morning. We can keep going in the afternoon or lunch."

"Sure, does that seem fine to you Charlie?" Condi stepped in.

"Sure, I am fucking tired so it's best to rest." Charlie smiled while putting a thumps up to Bizly and Condi.

They left all of their stuff and books down there for now since they genuinely needed sleep. They all walked upstairs, Bizly and Condi heading outside, while Charlie heads to bed. They all gave their goodbyes and goodnights, and they parted ways to go to sleep.

Slimecicle POV-

*A minute before the transformation*

"So I just have to day the words out loud and think of someone who makes me happy?" I say.

"Yeah, we should try this Charlie, after you do this we can try other ways tomorrow." Bizly said.

I nod at what Bizly said, but I am still scared of what will happen to me. I see Bizly and Condi backing away while staring at me, but I just took a deep breathe and closed my eyes. 'Who makes me happy?' I say in my mind. I think for a bit, 'in my past experiences, I only knew Ted and some people that helped me in my world.. So Ted would be an option right? But what about Bizly and Condi, they were good to me too...' I breathe one more, thinking about the person who I picked while chanting the words out loud.

"In the name of Gods, give me the competence to live in the highest of worlds, the deepest depths of society to control. So I power thee, MOLYMPUS!"

Afterwards, I see bright white lights flashing at me, I was scared to open my eyes, but my curiosity got the better of me. So I opened my eyes looking ahead of me, seeing a figure, similar to me but looks God like, they also have gold accessories with a golden crown on their head. They have glasses and green eyes while having a green poncho.

"Hello there Charlie." This person said.

"Who are you? And what are you?" I say back.

"Well, I am you Charlie, well not really. I was created from the real Charlie after he went and go on his adventure."

"Wait so I'm a fake Charlie? Also what adventure?"

"In fact, you are the real Slimecicle, but you memories were erased in the process of starting your adventure. You may have lots of questions, do it quickly because we have a timer before you return to your body."

"Wait body? Am I not in my body right now?!" I said, looking down towards my body.

"Well not yet you are, see where you are right now is in-between life and death, your soul is still living and not yet ordered to go to the dead, but you do not have a body right this moment."

"Oh... Wait, what do you mean by adventure? Where did I go, and why did I do this." I go closer to this Charlie.

"Well, a reason of going on these adventure is to release your sufferings of course. You may not know it yet, but soon, your memories will come back. But, Charlie made a contraption of spells that are ongoing. And right now, you just went to the first universe, the first adventure, isn't that great, huh? But, going off of what I said, you first send yourself to a different universe, erasing your memories in the process, while living your life on that world until you die. Then the spells sends you back to your original universe to get your memories back and go to another universe. But see, these spells are protected from another spell that can only be released by it's spellcaster, so stop your friends of trying to release this spell, because all of the work will go in vain. But see, this is only half of what I know."

"Damn, I didn't know I could do this. But what do you mean by memories, and the suffering? I still have lots more questions." I go even closer to the fake Charlie.

"Well there will be no time to ask anymore questions, the time is almost up."



"WAIT!" I go closer, trying to hold his shoulders on both sides, but my hands just pass through his body.


"I still need to know more Charlie!"


"Please no."


"I just need help. I don't know anything."


A dark light fills my eyes.

"HELLO!" I screamed.

Suddenly, I closed my eyes again, thinking something will work. For a few seconds, I hold my eyes shut, until I opened them, seeing Bizly and Condi in-front of me, surprised. 'I was back,' I tell myself. We chatted for a bit, and when they told me about my appearance, I looked at myself, seeing the same clothes and style the Charlie I just met in-between life and death. I don't know what to expect anymore, I'm just confused. For now.

After a few more minutes. I lay in my bed, while the sun shines on my body while it rises in the horizon . "I didn't even sleep yet... But this was a crazy night." I told myself. After that, my eyes suddenly closed, I was so tired. But now, I know something that Bizy and Condi didn't know. But, do I tell them?

•End of Chapter•

Thank you for reading this chapter :).

1186 words.

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