ẙ Adventure 1-Part 5 ẙ

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        Slimecicle POV-

    "JEEZUS FUCKING CHRIST!! RUN" I said loudly. "YEAH, I THINK THAT IS A GREAT IDEA CHARLIE!!" I look behind and see Bizly yelling, while Condi runs in a different direction. Then.


I see a massive white and blue sword crash on the red ground, the ground breaks and cracks a little when the sword clashed on the floor. It scared me, even Bizly and Condi was scared of the sudden crash of sound.

   'Where the fuck am I? I was just sleeping in the Molympus council room, but now I'm in Hell?! AND WHY IS BIZLY AND CONDI HERE!!' I think to myself. My sweat drops from my head and sizzles on the warm floor. It was like a game, there was a platform and a big throne for the boss, and a glass and red floor for fighting. There was also a barrier that keeps us inside this platform. And the floor was divided in four corners, each corner had a different kind of flooring decoration. While on the far side of the platform, from where I was standing is the massive throne. It had white steps leading up, while a white and red pattern was decorated on the sides of the throne, and there it was, a seat, it had a dark red color on it which made it hard to see, but it really looked terrifying. While beyond the platform was difficult to perceive because of there was no light to look upon in this damn nauseating place, but I know there were more things outside of this barrier. Which made it even worse.

   And there it was, the boss that was handling the mighty sword. He had dark brown hair and a white bundled stripe on his front, and his eyes grow of red and darkness. He wears a red hoodie with a grey fluffy collar that flows in the wind. Above all, he has a crown similar to us, but the difference is he has a  black crown with red jewels. In addition to, he has claw like hands and black big wings on his back that opens to fly, it was majestic to say the least. Lastly, he wears a dark red cape and pants while also having claw like feet which darkens when it teaches his toes. He looks completely insane, and he looks like he wants blood.

I don't know how I got here and why that person is trying to kill us, but all I want is to survive

I don't even know if this is a dream or not...

But if this was a dream. Then this was one heck of a realistic dream.


   "GOD DAMMIT *̷̡̼̌́̀̾̂̍͑̑̆͊̑͠͠͝͝&̷͚̟̩͍̹̲̅́̈́͛͑͆̕%̶̡͇͌̊͛^̶̛̗̫̠͙̐́͛̄̅̍͆̈́̐̐̓̽͜͜&̸̧͉̝̣̳͇͚̗̖̬̥͈͙͗͋͐̔̆̂̕!̴̙̦̻̦̎̄̀̃̈́̚͠ͅ#̶̪̲͎̱̣̹̮̣̪̞̥̦̹͂̐̀̀̀̀́͋̿͛̋͋͊̇͠, DON'T KILL US YOU SICK FUCK!!!" Condi yells while trying to shoot Grizzly with a bow.

'What did Condi say? Who was he talking to? Is it to this boss guy?" I questioned. I was so confused. I was going to speak to ask Condi what he said but a TNT spawned beside me. "AHHHH!" I run,  trying to escape the perimeter of the TNT. But. BOOM! I got blasted up from the explosion until I hit the ground hard. My vision was blurry, but I see blood splattered beneath me. That blood flowed out of my body and on the ground, making my clothes soak with blood. I couldn't feel anything, and I had no more strength in me, so my body gave up on me so suddenly. I closed my eyes and rested of awhile, still feeling the pain from the explosion, but as my eyes flicker open, I see myself in a different place. I look at my surroundings and I see rain heavily falling down on the ground around me, but I look up, and I see a wooden roof protecting me from getting wet. I also see grass and hills, even trees. 'I was outside'. I then look behind me, seeing Condi and another person. He looked like the person that was trying to kill me in that Hell place, but now, he had brown eyes and hair, and also wore a red hoodie with a bear imbedded on it. And clearly wearing brown pants and red shoes. 'Was this really the same person?' I tell myself.

 He then looks at me.

   "I know things are looking pretty bad, but, I brought you a poppy, and you a poppy. Now whenever you look outside and you see death coming  towards you at a high speed, you can look down at that flower and think of me. And I'll already be dead." He smiles at me while chuckling, handing me a red poppy, even to Condi. I don't know this person, but somehow he makes me feel...

Happy and sad at the same time.

I don't know why.

I look at him and smile too.

I try to fix my hair that's hanging on my face, only feeling liquid on there. I then feel my face, trying to know where it's coming from, then I realize, it was from my eyes. 

I was crying.

It was not from the rain, but it was my tears that makes my face wet.

My heart beats.

'Who is that person.'

It beats again.

'Is that the same person I was fighting?'

And again.

'And... Is this person a reason I was going missing?'


"Grizzly" I tell myself. "That's the name."



"AHHHHH!!!" I open my eyes and sit up. "WHAT, AM I IN DANGER?!!?"

I look around, seeing Bizly and Condi. Also noticing that I was back at the council room. 'So it was a dream...'

"Your ass just slept through 12 hours." Bizly said angerly.

"You know you don't have to be so hard on him Biz-" Condi said while being interrupted.

"No, no, no Condi, we are wasting time, we need to figure out Charlie's problem."

"You know we have lots of time to spare."

"STILL! You're all probably wondering why this is happening right? So why not know it sooner than later."

"It's fine guys, I'm up anyway. And if you want Bizly, You can wake me up early next time." I say.

"Hmm... Fine, deal. But don't be babbling your mouth out just because you hate me waking you up so early."

I laugh. "Sure Bizly. Anyways, what should we do?"

"Just the usual, you know finding more books, testing out new things." Condi replied.

  I stand up from my bed, tiding myself up. 'Should I ask who Grizzly is? I've heard that name before, but I need to know more.' I look down, hearing both of them share what they'll do or what they did. So I breathed in and out and said.

"Do you guys know who Grizzly is?"

Then, the noises sweeps away until the room was silent, only hearing the wind swish in the air outside. Condi and Bizly look at me, surprised and confused.

"How do you know him Charlie?" Bizy said, turning his whole body to me.

"I-I just heard from a dream of mine, I don't know how or why, I just did." I said. I somewhat lied. I did hear it from my dream, but I didn't just hear it, because I was the one who said it. And I also do know why, just because of what fake Charlie told me. That I was gaining my memories back.

I see Bizly and Condi turn to each other intently, then both of them nodded. Once they agreed on something with only stares, they look back at me.

"Well you see..."

•End of Chapter•

Hope you guys enjoy. I might be gone for a few days this week, so sorry if I haven't uploaded in awhile.

1139 words.

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