No katicha

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Groaning after the millionth of trying to go to sleep. I got up and went down stairs to get a glass of water and what's next shocked me I saw Kat my sistera from another mother kissing my ex-brother I walked up to them and pulled them and yelled what the hell and my pack and my brothers pack came in but I didn't care. Why would you kiss I thought you were better than that then to do this to me as my voice got louder. My packs eyes widen in horror as they heard what I said. Kat then I mean katicha said he's my mate and I do care about you when she reached to grab my hand I pulled back and said don't and walked out of the room I started to pack my stuff from katicha's room to move to my sister. After I pack my stuff I walking past katicha who is looking down in shame. I gave her one last glance before leaving.

Kay's pov

What have I done I'm the worst best friend ever. I then slowly said to walk to the back of the pack house in the woods. I didn't know how far I walked but it was sundown I start to head back when I heard a twig snapped I quickly was in fighting stance. Then a 10 rouges stepped out and the leader said ah ah ah I wouldn't do that if I were you are out numbered then I quickly mind linked sapphire help rouges hurry I said.

Sapphire pov
I was unpacking when I heard katicha's voice sapphire help rouges hurry. Then I quickly jumped out of the window and followed katicha's scent until I saw a horror film right in front Kat was about to get her her throat and before the rouges can do that I made a furious growl so loud birds were flying from the tress.

Kat pov
Right when I was about to get my throat slit open I heard a furious growl. The leader and his minions had a flash of fear but covered it up with emotionless face and the leader then said attack and in a flash sap teleported in front of the leader and quickly crack his neck with her eyes furious red. Then in no time she killed the other. After her eyes returned back to normal and mines and sap eyes started to water and the tears started to flood and we ran to each other and hugged each other I then said I would never hurt you sap I'm sorry. I would never hurt you either I'm sorry to and with that we both walked home in a comfortable silence

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Drop bomb of drama ooh

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