Second chance mate is a vampire!!

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Sap pov
I woke up at 11:00 am for so reason I shrugged it off. I had this feeling inside of me to go run and for some apparently reason my wolf was excited. I hen got out of bed and put on a sports bra and spandex. I then jogged out side of the woods.

I started run and then started jumping over a few logs and dodging tress. I just felt so free when I'm running and it calms me down. I could feel the adrenaline pumping in my veins. Until I smelled the most beautiful scent ever it smelled like vanilla, deaf, and woods. I then followed the scent until I came upon a lake. I then thought "how is this possible I smell a nice scent and end near a pond". I then saw the most handsomest man I ever seen. He was 6'2 had blueish greenish eyes and he a hair just above his eyes. He had a perfect jawline and OMGoodness he had a eight pack. As he started to approach me I started breathing heavier. I then thought to myself "I have a stronger pull to him".

He then was right in front of me and said "well hello there sweetheart". I then told myself "no no no no I already have a mate he loves he loves right? Of course he loves me" I then snap back to reality when he was snapping his finger in my face. I then blushed deeply and muttered sorry. I then shook my head and said to me self "I can't do this I won't do this". I then looked up to him said "I can't do this I already have a mate" and a run to the pack house. I then went to our room without knocking and wish I hadn't

I saw Ethan and Stacy's best friend Maria in our bed naked . I was wide eyed and thought to myself "he cheated on me that bastard" Ethan then said " I can explain baby ju- I cut him off by saying no. I then said it loud enough no. I said " u keep cheating on I can't take it I'm leaving with my mate" Ethan then started shaking and yelled "YOU WHORE" I the said " me I'm the whore I just met him today and your the fucking Maria and to think I actually believed u when you said u loved me" Ethan instantly regret it I almost felt sorry almost but I could care less if he regrets it he should. I then ran out of the pack house and I kept running tears started to slides down my cheeks.
Sap pov
I don't know how long I was running but I was running I then wander into no mans land I knew there were rouges her but I could care less. Tears then started to trickled down my cheeks till it turned into to me full aon sobbing. After1 hour I then felt someone snake their hands around. Sparks started to erupt do I knew it was the vampire. I then turned to his chest and started crying on his shirt. He started striking my hair and saying soothing words. I then look up to him and started "My name (hiccup) is sapphire but (hiccup) you can call me sap (hiccup) what's your (hiccup) name". He then said "Well daring my name is Damon and I'm a vampire" I then hit his chest playfully and said I already knew that goofy ball". Just as we were about to continue talking someone covered my mouth with wolfs bane and I was consumed with darkness

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