Chapter 3 - Bear-san Haggles

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After we arrived at the front gate, we were greeted by a guard.

His eyes were looking straight at me.

I then remember my appearance; I have Kuma Kuma Kuma Bear on.

Even if I changed my expression, I don't think he would stop staring.

I shouldn't look suspicious; Fina told me that it looks cute.

Personally I think it's too cute, to the point of being embarrassing.

It would be cute if someone about Fina's age wore it.

However, it doesn't suit a hikikomori like me.

Even though I call it cute, I would prefer it if I wasn't seen wearing it.

「You're the young lady who was going to look for herbs! Did you find anything?」


Fina answers happily.

「That's good. I hope you kept your promise and didn't venture too far into the forest. There are monsters in the forest after all...」

A wry smile appeared on my face.

「So, who is this weird looking young lady?」

「I would appreciate it if you didn't ask too much.」

「Well, each person has their own circumstances. Regardless, you'll have to let me see your card before you can enter.」

Fina showed her identification card to the guard.

It's the one she had shown me on the way here.

Entering is free if you're a resident, but visitors must pay a tax of one silver coin to enter.

「I'm on a journey.」

「Are you traveling alone looking like that?」

I show him the bear and moved its mouth. *Paku Paku*

「For the time being.」

That was the only answer I could give.


One word came out from the guard's mouth.

The problem is, I didn't have anything like that.

「I don't have one. I can enter by paying a silver coin though, right?」

「You...don't have one? A card from any city is okay. A guild card is fine too.」

「I lived in a place without identification cards.」


「Is that so?」

「Well, not really.」

「So, can I go in?」

「Yes, non-residents can go in when they pay the tax of one silver coin. Anyone without identification will get a background check...but I guess there's no problem if it's your first time in the city.」

I pass the guard a silver coin that had been taken out of the White Bear's mouth beforehand.

「Then, please follow me to the examination room.」

Since I hadn't committed any crimes since coming to this world, there shouldn't be any problems. Of course, I was clean in my original world as well.

It's true.

I'm taken by the guard to a building near the gate.

Are those the barracks that often appear in fantasy novels?

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